deliver electronic mail with scala from the future
Via the copy and paste method
resolvers += "softprops-maven" at ""
libraryDependencies += "me.lessis" %% "courier" % "0.1.2"
Via a more civilized method which will do the same without all the manual work.
> ls-install courier
Note. If you are a bintray-sbt user you can optionally specify the resolver as
resolvers += bintray.Opts.resolver.repo("softprops", "maven")
deliver electronic mail via gmail
import courier._, Defaults._
val mailer = Mailer("", 587)
.as("[email protected]", "p@$$w3rd")
mailer(Envelope.from("you" `@` "")
.to("mom" `@` "")
.cc("dad" `@` "")
.subject("miss you")
.content(Text("hi mom"))).onSuccess {
case _ => println("message delivered")
mailer(Envelope.from("you" `@` "")
.to("boss" `@` "")
.subject("tps report")
.html("<html><body><h1>IT'S IMPORTANT</h1></body></html>")))
.onSuccess {
case _ => println("delivered report")
Doug Tangren (softprops) 2013