A suite of Python scripts to manage uploaded music checked-out using Google Takeout.
Script | About | Example usage |
csvHander.py | Read columns from a CSV file and return an array of some of the columns. | parse_csv_song_library(csv_path, library_path) |
moveAndRenameMP3sUsingTags.py | Uses the tags within each MP3, to rename the MP3 to <artist>/<album>/<song-title>.mp3 sanitising the names. |
move_and_rename_mp3(mp3_directory, output_directory) |
reTagAllMP3s.py | Using the location of the MP3, update the artist, album & title tags within the MP3 file. | re_tag_all_mp3s(csv_path, library_path) |
sanitizeFilenames.py | Sanitise the names of all MP3 files within a directory. E.g. remove whitespace. | sanitize_mp3_files(directory) |
tagAndMoveMP3s.py | The main script. Using the CSV file from Google Takeout (music-uploads-metadata.csv), tag, move and rename the MP3s. Can optionally limit the matches of the MP3s to the CSV using the track duration. | tag_and_move_mp3(csv_path, input, out, duration_match) |
tagMP3.py | Tag the given MP3 file with the provided tags. | tag_mp3_file(mp3_file, album_artist, album_title, song_title) |