cp custom_components/swiftcommand /path/to/config/custom_components/
Navigate to the remote access page on the swift command webpage in your browser. The assetid is the number at the end of the URL in the address bar.
- platform: "swiftcommand"
email: "[email protected]"
password: "mysupersecretpassword"
assetid: 12345 # See above screenshot on how to find this
An entity namaed sensor.swiftcommand will be created with a state of the vehicle voltage and extra information including location, temperature and van details in the attributes.
- dark_mode: false
default_zoom: 12
- entity: sensor.swiftcommand
hours_to_show: 12
title: Caravan
type: map
- entity: sensor.swiftcommand
- key: sensor.swiftcommand.make
name: Make
- key: sensor.swiftcommand.model
name: Model
- key: sensor.swiftcommand.temp
name: Temperature
- key: sensor.swiftcommand.voltage
name: Voltage
- key: sensor.swiftcommand.van_serial
name: Serial
- key: sensor.swiftcommand.time
name: Last Update
- key: sensor.swiftcommand.latitude
name: Lat
- key: sensor.swiftcommand.longitude
name: Long
heading_name: Name
heading_state: Value
type: 'custom:entity-attributes-card'
type: horizontal-stack