is a little command line tool for cutting video files based on a list of timestamps.
Download the latest and greatest release of Python and add the binary in to your PATH.
Make sure you have a recent version of moviepy
installed as well:
pip install moviepy
Cut the given video based on a list of timestamps passed in via CSV file.
Given the following timestamps.csv
yourFileName1, 00:00:00, 00:10:00
yourFileName2, 00:10:00, 00:15:00
yourFileName3, 00:15:00, 00:30:00
Move the video in the same directory as the
script and change the filename in line 15:
ffmpeg_extract_subclip("test.flv", start, end,
Execute the script with the following command:
Now the process starts generating new video files from the desired timestamps.
The script will display the following output when a single process has completed successfully.
Moviepy - Running:
>>> "+ " ".join(cmd)
Moviepy - Command successful
- Implement basic configuration to configure filenames or change directories
- Testing with different file types
Fixes and new features are welcome. For major changes, please talk to the current maintainer first to discuss what you would like to change.
Marlon Lange ([email protected]) - Creator