Implementation of a shopping cart and redesign of the whole look and feel of the site. GSAP helped me handle the animations. Used Parcel for bundling. Styling entirely in CSS (using SASS as preprocessor), no bootstrap.
Minimal use of Firebase to store the hits of a like button.
There's a commit for each exercice. The last commit is a reimagination of the site which includes:
- An animated intro screen that reveals the site when scrolling.
- Fading in and out headings showing the current section.
- A whole-width product grid with hover add-to-cart buttons.
- A like button connected to Firebase to track hits.
- Cart contents saved to local storage, to make cart persist after page change and in subsequent site visits.
npm run start
It runs the site on development mode and sets a local server at http://localhost:1234 to visit the site.
npm run build
It generates all assets for deployment in the dist
The files are optimized to reduce space and hashes are employed in filenames to improve chaching.