This GitHub repository contains the code needed to quickly create plots measuring a student's before and after knowledge and interest gained from an excel file. The output is a plot for each topic that has a knowledge before and after questions and an interest question.
First, make sure you have Git installed. If you don't have git installed, you can download it from the official Git website. Note: If you are experienced with Git and Github, feel free to skip to the requirements section after cloning the repository. If you are on Mac or Linux, open a new terminal, navigate to the folder where you want to have the repository, and clone the repository using:
git clone
If you are on Windows, you should install Windows Subsystem for Linux from the Microsoft Store, open up a WSL terminal, navigate to the folder where you want the repository, and clone the repository using:
git clone
You should have Python3 >= 3.7 After cloning:
cd go_outdoors_learning
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you are in the same directory as the script. Then run the script using:
python3 -f <path_to_csv_file>
Note: You must specify the correct relative or full path to the csv file and the file MUST be a csv file
You can also run the command with the -s flag which will use the scale (e.g. 1=Nothing, 2=A little, etc.) internal to Python to create the plots instead of trying to find the scale from the csv file.
python3 -f <path_to_csv_file> -s
Each plot will be saved inside the plots folder.