Puppet Policy Based Autosiging integration with VMware vRealize Automation 7
Add the following entry to the "[master]" section of the puppet.conf configuration file on the Puppet master.
autosign = $confdir/vrapolicyautosign.rb
The script must be executable and accessible by the user running puppet.
chmod +x vrapolicyautosign.rb
chown pe-puppet:pe-puppet vrapolicyautosign.rb or chown puppet:puppet vrapolicysign.rb for Puppet open source
Restart the puppet server service
systemctl restart pe-puppetserver or systemctl restart puppetsever for Puppet open source
The autosign script utilizes a configuration file for storing vRA connection information. By default the name of the file is "vrapolicyconfig.yaml" and is stored in the "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet" directory.
url: https://cloudportal.grt.local
username: [email protected]
password: P@$$w0rd
tenant: vsphere.local