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Thor is a robust and lightweight Java Pub/Sub library and in-memory key-value cache which uses JSON.


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Thor is a robust and lightweight Java Pub/Sub library and in-memory key-value cache which uses JSON.

I have started this project to learn myself how Pub/Sub libraries can work and it has turned out that Thor works really well, therefore I have decided to publish it here on GitHub.

Thor now has also memory snapshot support to create a backup of cached data or to use it as a "persistent" memory database.


  • in-memory key-value cache (based on json, so class serialization possible)
  • cache memory snapshots
  • channels
  • channel handler (json object and custom object)
  • key-value based handler method invocation
  • subscriber may have custom names
  • publish to specific subscriber
  • custom object serialization with [gson] (
  • clean API
  • extensive API
  • low cpu and memory consumption
  • lightweight
  • scalable
  • simple JSON
  • easy to implement in other languages (PHP publisher example at the bottom)
  • async API support
  • full multi-core utilization and configurable number of threads
  • combine multiple Thor server to a cluster
  • cluster failover with auto reconnect and sync
  • simple but powerful NIO implementation
  • thousands of publisher and subscriber concurrently
  • hundreds of new connections per second


  • Install Maven 3
  • Clone/Download this repo
  • Install it with: mvn clean install

Maven dependencies



Server start with the CLI

General syntax:

java -jar thor-server.jar -h <Host> -p <Port> -b <Backlog> -t <Threads> [-c IP:Port IP:Port] [-d]

Without debugging and without cluster setup:

java -jar thor-server.jar -h localhost -p 1337 -b 100 -t 4

With debugging and without cluster setup:

java -jar thor-server.jar -h localhost -p 1337 -b 100 -t 4 -d

With debugging and with cluster setup:

java -jar thor-server.jar -h localhost -p 1337 -b 100 -t 4 -c localhost:1338 -d

Set the check (ci) or snapshot (si) interval:

// Both are in seconds
// This will check the cache for expired entries every 10 minutes
// and will take a memory snapshot (backup) every hour
java -jar thor-server.jar -h localhost -p 1337 -b 100 -t 4 -c localhost:1338 -d -ci 600 -si 3600

API examples


PubSubCache cache = PubSubCacheFactory.create("localhost", 1337);
// To create a pub sub cache from a cluster
//PubSubCache cache = PubSubCacheFactory.create(Arrays.asList(new ClusterServer("localhost", 1337), new ClusterServer("localhost", 1338)));

cache.put("json", new JSONObject().put("foo", "bar"));
cache.get("json", jsonObject -> System.out.println("Foo: " + jsonObject.get("foo")));
cache.async().get("json", jsonObject -> System.out.println("Foo: " + jsonObject.get("foo")));

// The class needs to implement the 'Cacheable' interface to be serialized to json
// Key will expire in 5 seconds
cache.put("test", new FooBar("Some text"), 5);
cache.get("test", json -> System.out.println("FooBar class: " + json.toString()));

// Gets the time in seconds how long the key lives until it's expired
cache.expire("test", System.out::println);

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

cache.expire("test", System.out::println);

// Gets the class instance of the given class from the key
cache.getClass("test", fooBar -> System.out.println("Foo: " + fooBar.getFoo()), FooBar.class);
// The same as above but without lambda
/*cache.getClass("test", new Consumer<FooBar>() {

	public void accept(FooBar fooBar) {

}, FooBar.class);*/

// Removes the key from the cache

// Disconnects the cache client


Publisher publisher = PublisherFactory.create("localhost", 1337);
// To create a publisher from a cluster
//Publisher publisher = PublisherFactory.create(Arrays.asList(new ClusterServer("localhost", 1337), new ClusterServer("localhost", 1338)));

JSONObject fooBar = new JSONObject();
fooBar.put("foo", "bar");
publisher.publish("test", fooBar);

// Both will work
publisher.publish("gson", fooBar);
publisher.publish("gson", new FooBar("bar"));

JSONObject backendJson = new JSONObject();
backendJson.put("role", "update");
backendJson.put("ping", 5);
publisher.publish("backend", backendJson);

// Publish to a channel and a specific subscriber
publisher.publish("test", "some-subscriber", fooBar);

// Publish multiple json objects to a channel
publisher.publishAll("test", jsonObject, new JSONObject().put("foo", "second"));

// Publish multiple json objects to a channel and a specific subscriber
publisher.publishAll("test", "some-subscriber", jsonObject, new JSONObject().put("foo", "second"));

// Publish multiple objects to a channel
publisher.publishAll("gson", new FooBar("bar"), new FooBar("bar2"));

// Publish multiple objects to a channel and a specific subscriber
publisher.publishAll("gson", "some-subscriber", new FooBar("bar"), new FooBar("bar2"));

// You need to publish something async because you don't want to block your main thread perhaps?
// Here you go
AsyncPublisher asyncPublisher = publisher.async();
asyncPublisher.publish("test", fooBar);

// True because we want to force the disconnect so that it will not try to reconnect to the cluster
// Is the same as


Subscriber subscriber = SubscriberFactory.create("localhost", 1337);
// To create a subscriber from a cluster
//Subscriber subscriber = SubscriberFactory.create(Arrays.asList(new ClusterServer("localhost", 1337), new ClusterServer("localhost", 1338)), "some-subscriber");

// True because we want to force the disconnect so that it will not try to reconnect to the cluster
// Is the same as

Subscriber with defined name:

Subscriber subscriber = SubscriberFactory.create("localhost", 1337, "some-subscriber");


public class TestChannelHandler extends ChannelHandler<JSONObject> {

    public void onMessage(String channel, JSONObject message) {

        System.out.println("TestChannelHandler: foo=" + message.get("foo"));


public class BackendMultiChannelHandler {

    public void onBackendRoleUpdate(JSONObject jsonObject) {

		// Keep in mind that the key (here "role") will be removed before invocation
        System.out.println("BMCH[role=update]: ping=" + jsonObject.getInt("ping"));
    public void onBackendRoleDelete(FooBar fooBar) {

        System.out.println("FooBar[role=delete]: " + fooBar.toString());


public class GsonChannelHandler extends ChannelHandler<FooBar> {

    public void onMessage(String channel, FooBar fooBar) {

        System.out.println("FooBar class: " + fooBar.toString());

The simple FooBar class:

public class FooBar {

	private String foo;

    public FooBar(String foo) { = foo;

	public String getFoo() {

        return foo;

    public String toString() {

        return "FooBar{" +
                "foo='" + foo + '\'' +

PHP example



class ThorPublisher

     * Host address.
     * @var string The host address.
    private $host;

     * Host port.
     * @var int The host port.
    private $port;

     * Socket instance.
     * @var resource The socket instance.
    private $socket;

     * ThorPublisher constructor.
     * ThorPublisher constructor.
     * @param string $host The host address to connect to.
     * @param int $port The host port to connect to.
    public function __construct($host = "localhost", $port = 1337)
        $this->host = $host;
        $this->port = $port;

        $this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);


     * Connects the internal socket.
    private function connect() {

        socket_connect($this->socket, $this->host, $this->port);

     * Publish a message to a given channel.
     * @param ($channel) The channel.
     * @param ($array) The message as an array which will be json encoded.
    public function publish($channel, $array) {

        $array['op'] = 2;
        $array['ch'] = $channel;

        $json = json_encode($array);
        $jsonLength = strlen($json);
        $length = pack('N', $jsonLength);

        socket_write($this->socket, $length . $json, $jsonLength + 4);

     * Closes the publisher.
    public function close() {


Example usage:



$client = new ThorPublisher("", 6000);

$client->publish("test", array("foo" => "bar1"));
$client->publish("test", array("foo" => "bar2"));



Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3.0.


Thor is a robust and lightweight Java Pub/Sub library and in-memory key-value cache which uses JSON.







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