##Util package to analyse instrumented and collected data from Node.JS projects using js-analyser
###Usage mvn package to build jar with dependencies
###Save summary from raw instrumented variable values
java -cp target/jsanalyser_util-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar variable.summary.VariablesAndValues <rawInstrumentLogfile> [OPTIONAL-summaryFilePath | DEFAULT- [rawInstrumentLogfile]summary.txt]
###Further analyse variable values using summary file created
java -cp target/jsanalyser_util-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar variable.summary.VariableValuesIntoFiles
* -i, --input
Input path of summary file
* -o, --output
Output path of result. Valid folder to save each variable in seperate
file. Valid text file to save all variables in single file
-q, --quartile
Include to save quartiles of each variable in a single file rather than
every value
Default: false
-s, --single
Include to save all variables in singe file. Default is to save each
variable in seperate file
Default: false
-t, --total
Threshold to select variables with minimum total values
Default: 50
-u, --unique
Threshold to select variables with minimum unique values
Default: 1
####Save all values of all variables into one file as variable name -> value pair. (Default task)
Ex: variable1.csv
variable1 | value |
v1 | 20 |
v1 | 2 |
v2 | 232 |
####Save each variable into seperate file with all values recorded for that variable. (Include -s option to enable this)
Ex: variable1.csv
variable1 |
20 |
2 |
232 |
####Save each variable into seperate file with all values recorded for that variable. (Include -s option to enable this)
Ex: variable1.csv
norm- Quartiles of normalized values (Values normalzied between 0-1)
Name | min | 1st quartile | median | 3rd quartile | max | norm 1st quartile | norm median | norm 3rd quartile |
var1 | -10.12 | -7.2 | -2 | 3 | 11.23 | 0.25 | 0.4 | 0.8 |
var2 | 12 | 71 | 201 | 312 | 1121 | 0.2 | 0.6 | 0.9 |
###Other util Classes
####github This package contains classes to analyse GitHub usiing its APi. (Include GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN in GithubConstants)
- List repositiories based on search query
- List files based on the frequency of changes in given commits
- List commit ids with certain additions/delitions
- EM CLustering algorithm implementation using Mixture of Gaussians
- Gaussians per cluster is dynamic thus, automatically defined based on the cluster values