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Security: matejr/svalbard



Security properties of Svalbard backups

Svalbard protects secret values using secret sharing, a well-known technique for robust, distributed protection of secrets. A user Alice (Svalbard client) computes the shares, and stores them at various locations, while the metadata of the sharing (describing how the sharing was computed and where the shares are stored) is stored at a separate, distingushed party called cloud provider (CP), which should be disjoint from the parties offering storage of shares. It is assumed that Alice already has an account with CP,and that this account offers strong authentication mechanisms (e.g. 2-factor authentication). Cloud provider can store data reliably, but should not learn Alice's secrets.

To effectively protect against corruption at any single party involved, and even against corruption of groups of parties, it uses a two-level secret sharing:

  • At first level Alice's secret value SV is split into two shares of an 2-out-of-2 XOR secret sharing, resulting in shares SH1 and SH2.
  • One of these shares, say SH1, is stored by the cloud provider CP, and the other one (SH2) is split into n shares using k-out-of-n Shamir's secret sharing for specific values of k and n chosen by Alice. This results in shares SH2_1, ..., SH2_n, for each of which Alice picks a storage form and location.

The basic security of the backed up secret follows then from the properties of the employed secret sharing. However, the shares and the metadata are distributed among multiple systems, they can be subject to corruption, either accidental or malicious. Such a corruption could result in an undetected reconstruction of a wrong secret value, so Svalbard employs additionally simple hash-based protections to make sure that any corruption is detected with high probability.

Protection against corruption of the second-level shares

To detect potential corruptions of the second-level shares, the metadata contains also a salted hash of each share. This assures the correctness of the shares that enter the secret reconstruction stage, assuming that the metadata is correct. Moreover, this will detect also corruption of the hashes in the metadata unless the cloud provider CP that stores the metadata maliciously cooperates with the provider of storage of second-level shares.

More precisely, the metadata contains additionally a randomly picked string hash_salt of length max. 255 bytes, and for each sencond-level share SH2_i, i=1..n, the metadata contains SaltedHash(SH2_i, hash_salt), with SaltedHash-function defined as

  SaltedHash(share, salt) = SHA-256(length(salt) || salt || SH2_i)

where length(hash_salt) is one byte value denoting the length of hash_salt in bytes, || denotes concatentation, and SHA-256() denotes SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm. Upon retrieval of a share the corresponding salted hash value is verified, and only consistent shares are accepted for the secret reconstruction step.

Protection against corruption of the first-level shares

Even if the second-level shares were all correct and the first-level share SH2 was successfully reconstructed, a corruption of the share SH1 (which is stored as a part of the metadata) could result in an undetected bit-flip or other controlled modification of the reconstructed secret. To detect a potential corruption of SH1, the second-level sharing protects additionally a salted hash of the original secret value SV. That is, the input value for the second-level sharing is not just SH2, but SH2_with_hash defined as follows:

  SV_hash = SaltedHash(SV, hash_salt)
  SH2_with_hash = SV_hash || SH2

This way after a reconstruction of the secret one can check, whether the resulting value is indeed equal to the original secret: SV_hash and SH2 are extracted from SH2_with_hash, and then SV_hash is checked against SaltedHash(SH1 xor SH2, hash_salt).

An example

Here is an example that lists all the major values involved in the sharing of a secret value SV, with parameters k , n:

  SH1 = Random(length(SV))
  SH2 = SV xor SH1                 // i.e. SV == SH1 xor SH2
  hash_salt = Random(SALT_LENGTH)  // max. 255 bytes
  SV_hash = SaltedHash(SV, hash_salt)
  SH2_with_hash = SV_hash || SH2

  // for each i=1..n SH2_i is a k-out-of-n share of SH2_with_hash
  SH2_i = ... // i-th share of SH2_with_hash
  location_i = ... // location where i-th share is stored
  SH2_i_hash = SaltedHash(SH2_i, hash_salt)

Each share SH2_i is stored at the corresponding location, and the metadata stored at the cloud provider CP contains then:

  • SH1
  • hash_salt
  • k , n, and other metadata about second-level sharing
  • per-share information, for each i=1..n :
    • location_i
    • SH2_i_hash

There aren’t any published security advisories