#SoundExtension# Adobe AIR Native Natension library to navigate iOS music player, navigate the device volume and listen to the remote controller.
There should be only one SoundExtension in the app
By mateuszmackowiak If You like it send me money:)
####remote controler and volume change####
start()- starts listeners for events at native site //sets this app to receve all events from the remote (the ipod will not react) stop()- removes the listeners
playIpod()- plays Music on IPod /stopIpod() /pauseIpod()
getAudioRoute() // while listening to VOLUME_CHANGED can probably change route Known values of route:
- "Headset"
- "Headphone"
- "Speaker"
- "SpeakerAndMicrophone"
- "HeadphonesAndMicrophone"
- "HeadsetInOut"
- "ReceiverAndMicrophone"
- "Lineout"
goToNext() / goToPrev() - navigate the music player
SoundExtensionEvent.IPOD_STATE_CHANGED - wether somebody changed the state of the music player
SoundExtensionEvent.REMOTE_CHANGE - events from the remote
DeviceVolumeChangeEvent.VOLUME_CHANGED - the volume of the device has changed
var sundex:SoundExtension=null;
soundex= new SoundExtension();
soundExt.start();//starts the native listeners
trace("volume: "+soundex.setVolume(0.1));//volume is between 0-1
trace("AudioRoute is "+soundExt.getAudioRoute()+"\n")
protected function onStatus(event:StatusEvent):void
trace(event.code+" "+event.level+"\n");