This repository has my portfolio
- Docker: To build and run the container.
- Docker Compose: (optional, if you use additional services, such as a database).
Here are the steps to run the application in a Docker environment. This will allow you to run the Python Flask server with all the required dependencies inside an isolated container.
First, clone the repository to your local machine:
$ git clone
$ cd my-portfolio
Build the Docker image and run the container. In the project directory, run the following commands:
$ docker build -t my-flask-app .
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 my-flask-app
If you are using Docker Compose, run the command below:
$ docker-compose up --build
The application will be running via a Docker container. To access it in your browser, type the URL:
$ http://localhost:3000
To stop the application and the container, simply press Ctrl+C in the terminal where Docker is running or, if you are using Docker Compose:
$ docker-compose down
Project Status: Advanced Stage
Although the project is in an advanced stage, it requires some adjustments and improvements to become fully completed.
Current achievements:
- Home page in English and Portuguese (with a button to perform the language transition of the pages).
- Sending of contact message.
Next steps:
- Adjust layout and style details.
- Execute tests and fix bugs.
- Refactor the code to increase efficiency and maintainability.
- This project is still a work in progress and requires some improvements to reach its final version.