Quickly preview quickfix and location results in vim without opening the file.
Usually when one is browsing quickfix or location results, the file needs to be
opened to see the result in detail. This spoils the buffer list and jump list.
lets you preview the result in detail without spoiling the
buffer list and jump list. Everything is automatically cleaned up once quickfix
window and/or location windows are closed.
This plugin follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:
Manager | Command |
Pathogen | git clone https://github.com/ronakg/quickr-preview.vim ~/.vim/bundle/quickr-preview.vim |
NeoBundle | NeoBundle 'ronakg/quickr-preview.vim' |
Vundle | Plugin 'ronakg/quickr-preview.vim' |
Plug | Plug 'ronakg/quickr-preview.vim' |
Manual | copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory |
<leader><space> : Preview the quickfix/location result in a preview window
<enter> : Open the quickfix/location result in a new buffer like usual
is the leader key by default. So the mapping is \<space>
unless <leader>
key is mapped to something else. Note that pressing <leader><space>
times on the same qiuckfix/location result will toggle the preview window.
If you want to use your own key mappings, disable the default key mappings by
adding following to your ~/.vimrc
let g:quickr_preview_keymaps = 0
Use <plug>(quickr_preview)
to define a custom mapping for previewing the
current quickfix/location results. For example:
nmap <leader>p <plug>(quickr_preview)
Use <plug>(quickr_preview_qf_close)
to define a custom mapping for quickly
closing the quickfix/location window (and in turn the preview window). For
nmap <leader>q <plug>(quickr_preview_qf_close)
The option g:quickr_preview_position
is used to configure where the preview
window will be opened relative to the qiuckfix/location window. Valid values are
, below
, left
, or right
. If unspecified this option will default to
the following:
let g:quickr_preview_position = 'above'
The option g:quickr_preview_size
is used to configure the size of the preview
window. Valid values range from zero to any positive integer. When set to zero
the preview widows will automatically fill half of the available screen space.
If unspecified this option will default to the following:
let g:quickr_preview_size = '0'
The option g:quickr_preview_line_hl
is used to configure the highlight group
used to highlight the current result in the preview window. Valid values are any
valid highlight group. If unspecified this option will default to the following:
let g:quickr_preview_line_hl = "Search"
The option g:quickr_preview_options
is used to configure which vim settings will
be applied to the buffer when it is opened within the preview window. Valid values
are any vim settings that can be set with the setlocal
command. If unspecified
this option will default to the following:
let g:quickr_preview_options = 'number norelativenumber nofoldenable'
The option g:quickr_preview_on_cursor
is used to allow the preview window to
be opened automatically each time the cursor moves to a new line within the
quickfix/location window. Valid values are zero (to disable) or one (to enable).
If unspecified this option will default to the following:
let g:quickr_preview_on_cursor = 0
Nothing happens when I press <leader><space>
in quickfix/location window.
Make sure <leader><space>
is not defined to something else by invoking
:verbose map <leader><space>
Copyright (c) Ronak Gandhi. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See
:help license