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Code for dealing with functions, permutations, logic, matrices and matrix reps of subspaces in Maxima

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Code for working with functions, relations, permutations, logic, matrices and subspaces in Maxima. The intended use is in STACK questions, so STACK random functions are used - these won't work in an ordinary Maxima session. Either change the randomisation functions back to standard Maxima ones or follow the STACK Maxima sandbox instructions.


Number theory

  • gcd_calc(a, b) returns a LaTeX representation of a calculation of gcd(a, b) using Euclid's algorithm.


Methods for working with permutations of sets 1..N represented either as lists [s(1),...,s(N)] (i.e. as the bottom row of two-row notation) or as lists of cycles, where the cycle (a1,... an) is represented as a list [a1,...,an]. There are built in maxima functions for working with permutations in the combinatorics package, but they're not enabled by default in a STACK maxima installation.

  • cyclesTo2Row(cycs, N) converts from a list of disjoint cycles to the two-row rep
  • cyclesTo2Row2(cycs, N) converts from a list of possibly non-disjoint cycles to the two-row rep
  • cycleTo2Row(cycle, N) converts a cycle to its two-row rep as a permutation of 1..N
  • id_tworow(N) returns the two-row rep of the identity permutation on 1..N
  • foldr(list, fn, default) is right fold
  • twoRowToCycles(tworow) converts from two-row to disjoint-cycle reps
  • disjointCyclesp(cycs) checks if the cycles in the list cycs are disjoint
  • cyclep(li, N) checks if li is legitimate cycle on 1..N
  • permAsCycsp(li, N) checks if li is a list of legitimate cycles on 1..N
  • order_dj_cycs(cycs) returns the order of the permutation represented by the list of disjoint cycles cycs
  • order_tworow(tworow) returns the order of the permutation tworow given in two-row form
  • inverseCycles(cycs) returns the inverse of the permutation represented by the list of possibly non-disjoint cycles cycs, again in cycle form
  • sgn_cycles(cycs) returns the sign of the permutation represented by the list of possibly non-disjoint cycles cycs
  • sgn_tworow(tworow) returns the sign of the permutation tworow given in two-row notation
  • compose_tworow(tr1, tr2) composes the two permutations tr1 and tr2 given in two-row form
  • compose_cycs(c1, c2, N) composes the two permutations c1 and c2 of 1..N given as lists of possibly non-disjoint cycles
  • power_tworow(tworow, n) returns the nth power of the permutation tworow in two-row form, for integer n
  • cycles_to_transpositiosn(cycs) converts a list of possibly non-disjoint cycles to a list of transpositions whose product is the same as the product of the original list
  • twoRowLaTeX(tworow) produces a string consisting of a LaTeX representation of the two-row notation for tworow
  • cyclesLaTeX(cycs) produces a string consisting of a LaTeX representation of the list of disjoint cycles cycs
  • randomPermWithOrderGreaterThanTwo(n) returns a random permutation of {1,...,n} in two-row notation which doesn't have order 1 or 2.

Functions and relations

There are some methods for working with functions from 1..M to 1..N for some M and N. These are represented as lists of their values, so f corresponds to [f(1), f(2), ..., f(M)].

  • leftInv(f, N) returns a left-inverse to the function f with codomain 1, 2, ..., N. Assumes f is one-to-one.
  • differentLeftInv(f, N) returns a different left-inverse to the one found by leftInv, assuming that N is larger than M
  • whyNotLinv(f, g, N) returns a number such that g(f(i)) is not i, or 0 if no such number exists.
  • allInCod(g, cod) returns true if the image of g is contained in the list cod, otherwise false
  • allInCod2(g, cod) returns a number i such that g(i) is not an element of cod if such an i exists, otherwise 0.
  • partitions(n, k) returns the list of all partitions of n into at most k parts.
  • rand_setpartition(n) picks a set partition of 1..n at random.
  • set_pn_as_table(p, n) returns an HTML table with n labelled rows and columns and an x in row i and column j iff i and j are related under the equivalence relation on 1..n corresponding to the set partition p of 1..n.

Matrices and vectors

  • columnOfLeadingEntry(a, i) returns the column of a in which the left-most nonzero entry of row i appears if this exists, otherwise -1.
  • rref(a) returns the row reduced echelon form of a.
  • isrref(a) is true iff a is in row reduced echelon form.
  • isdiag(a) is true iff a is diagonal.
  • Row operations: lij(a, l, i, j) adds l times row i to row j, sw(a, i, j) swaps rows i and j, mu(a, i, l) multiplies row i by l.
  • isLI(v1, v2, ...) is true iff v1, v2,... are linearly independent.
  • iszeromx(a) is true iff a has all entries zero.
  • isevec(v, a) is true iff v is an eigenvector of a. Assumes a . v makes sense and has the same size as v.
  • rpm(n) returns a random permutation matrix of size n
  • random_lut_mx(n, maxi) returns a lower unitriangular matrix with entries randomly chosen between -maxi and maxi inclusive
  • random_slnz(n, maxi) returns a random integer nxn matrix with determinant 1 formed by random_lut_mx(n, maxi) . rpm(n) . random_lut_mx(n, maxi)
  • rand_mx_distinct(nrows, ncols) returns a nrows by ncols matrix with randomly chosen distinct entries.
  • rand_mx(nrows, ncols, a) returns a nrows by ncols matrix with random integer entries between -a and a
  • work_out_product_entry(A, B, i, j) returns a LaTeX string showing the calculation of the i, j entry of AB.
  • small_vector_in_image(A, maxi) returns a vector in the column space of the matrix A, with maxi controlling how big its entries are.
  • vector_not_in_image(A) returns a vector not in the column space of A.
  • clear_denoms(mx) multiplies a rational matrix by the lcm of its entries.
  • random_with_rank(m, n, r, maxi) returns a random m by n integer matrix with rank r (assuming r is at most the minimum of m and n). maxi gives rough control over how big the elements of the matrix are.

There are functions for determining why a matrix is not in RREF:

  • zeroRowsNotAllAtBottom(a) returns true if there is a zero row with a nonzero row below it, otherwise false.
  • nonOneLeadingEntry(a) returns the coordinates of a leading entry which isn't equal to 1 if such an entry exists, otherwise [-1, -1].
  • nonZeroEntryInColumnOfLeadingEntry(a) returns the coordinates of a leading entry which has a nonzero entry elsewhere in its column if such a leading entry exists, otherwise returns [-1, -1].
  • badLeadingEntryPositions(a) returns [i, j] such that i < j but the leading entry in row j is not to the right of that in row i, if such a pair exists, otherwise returns [-1, -1].
  • why_not_rref(mx) returns a string consisting of an html <p> containing a <ul> whose items describe why mx is not in RREF.

Vector space functions

Subspaces U are represented by matrices whose column space is U. A good convention is that matrices named with capitals represent subspaces and matrices named in lower case are just matrices.

  • dim is an alias for the maxima command rank.
  • equal_subspaces(A, B) is true iff A and B represent the same subspace.
  • proj(a) is orthogonal projection onto the column space of a.
  • kerMX(a) represents the kernel of the matrix a.
  • sum_subspaces(A, B) represents the subspace sum.
  • intersect_subspaces(A, B) represents A ∩ B.
  • inn(v, A) is true iff v is in (the subspace rep by) A.


  • log_equiv(ex, fn, vars). Let ex be a boolean expression in the list vars of variables and fn be a boolean function of length(vars) boolean variables. Under a truth assignment to vars, does ex always have the same truth value as fn(vars[1], vars[2], ...)? If so returns [true, []], otherwise returns a list containing false then a list of counterexamples, each counterexample being a list of truth values for vars.
  • log_eq(ex1, ex2) is like log_equiv except it takes two expressions. Care is needed in interpreting the output if ex1 and ex2 involve different variables, read the code.


Code for dealing with functions, permutations, logic, matrices and matrix reps of subspaces in Maxima







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