To build and upload with the ardunio-cli tool
# Specify the board. This uses the Serial+MIDI4 option (which lets usbMIDI work)
arduino-cli board attach -b teensy:avr:teensy41:usb=serialmidi4
# Compile and upload to the given port
arduino-cli compile -u -p /dev/tty.usbmodem101
# Monitor the serial output (may require a different port)
arduino-cli monitor -p /dev/tty.usbmodem101
My current plan is to put all teensy specific code in src/
- these interact with FreeRTOS or other teensy specific hardware calls. Supporting libraries will be in lib/<name>
- these don't have specific teensy calls and can be tested locally.
# Test using gtest on the native arch
pio test -e native
# Build for teensy target
pio run -e teensy41
- ArduinoJson
- ArduinoSTL
These are the lights I have and the associated manuals:
- Missyee36 RGB light
- Electro86 (Maybe called litake?) RGB light
- The DIP switch settings seem correct according to that manual
- The DMX channels seem wrong. I found: 0: 0-127 brightness 128-255 strobe 1: red 2: green 3: blue
- Betopper Moving Light
- Washbar112 Bar light (not sure of the name)