This is a proof-of-concept application that demonstrates how to access and data from a Ruby on Rails app running on Heroku. The application allows your to perform CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations on your leads and contacts. Please use this code as an example of how to access other objects.
Make sure that you already have a Heroku account, and have the gem and credentials setup on your computer. See the Heroku Quickstart Guide
Clone this app to your computer:
$ git clone git://
$ cd Heroku-Salesforce-Ruby-On-Rails-Demo
Install the necessary gems on your computer:
$ bundle install
Create a new Heroku app:
$ heroku create
Add your credentials as a Heroku config var. NOTE, you must URL escape your username, which means substituting the '@' symbol in your email with '%40'. Also note that you need to setup an security token in your account. See the salesforce documentation for details.
$ heroku config:add DATABASE_COM_URL=http://<>:<password><security_token>@
Now push your code to heroku and you are done:
$ git push heroku master