This sample application shows a basic OAuth 2.0 authorization flow with the IG authorization server in order to enable IG B2B vendor clients to access the IG Web API on behalf of their clients.
Configure the application:
You will need to set your B2B API key, your OAuth client id and secret and your server hostname and port if required.
Use maven 3 or later to build the project:
mvn clean install
This will create a Spring Boot executable jar file. To start the web application:
java -jar target\ig-webapi-vendor-sample-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
or alternatively deploy it on an existing web server. Open a web browser and enter the following url:
where is the name of your host (NOTE: do not use "localhost").
The welcome page has a link
GET /oauth2/authorize
to the IG authorization server which will prompt the user for their IG credentials and ask them to consent IG to provide the vendor with an authorization code. The IG authorization server will then return an authorization code on a 403 redirect response (specified by the vendor on the "redirect_url" query parameter). The redirect url needs to match the url configured on the authorization server for security reasons which in this sample is configured for
The authorization handler will retrieve the authorization code from the redirect request's query parameters and then
Request access and refresh tokens
POST /oauth2/access_token (grant_type = authorization_code)
Obtain the user's client id
GET /oauth2/userinfo
Store the refresh token for future use
Redirect the user to the result page with the access token
The result page presented to the user now has an access token which it will use to load client account details via the IG Web API. It prompts the user for one of his account ids to as loading client account details currently requires an account id. This will fail after the access token expires.
The main application thread (see Application class) does some periodic background processing (every 80 second) for all users for which it is holding a refresh token. It uses these refresh tokens in each iteration to obtain new access token and refresh token by calling:
POST /oauth2/access_token (grant_type = refresh_token)
The response holds a new access token with the expiry in seconds (currently 59 seconds) and a new refresh token. Refresh tokens currently expire after 10 minutes. The background task then uses the access token to retrieve client account details via the IG Web API.