- Add ServerUtility plugin (#1380).
- camera: add sensor information (#1378).
- Embed Sony ILCE-7RM4 camera definition (#1359).
- Update ios toolchain (#1355).
- Add acceleration to offboard plugin (#1354).
- Add example to set camera settings (#1351).
- Gimbal improvements: added example, and v2 ROI (#1345).
- mission: move QGC plan import from mission to mission_raw (#1343).
- Added FOV and video stream light spectrum enum to Camera class (#1337).
- Add raw IMU, scaled IMU, raw pressure, scaled pressure to telemetry (#1333).
- Add messages forwarding (#1330).
- cmake: fix MSVC release build with shared libs (#1371).
- core: only use UID from autopilot (#1366).
- Fix "iterator not in same container" build error when compiling with MSVC2019 (#1363).
- mavsdk_server: tracking_server was missing (#1352).
- TrackingServer - Fixed is_command_sender_ok result checking (#1350).
- telemtry: fixed small type oversight (#1346).
- Remove tmpnam (#1381).
- The develop branch is now called main (#1376).
- Fix minor warning in iOS (#1375).
- third_party: fix patch does not apply (#1374).
- Propagate CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to dependencies (#1373).
- Fix exception in integration test if no system is available (#1370).
- Switch from master/develop branches to main (#1368).
- Add dependency on get_entries to force its use before downloading a log (#1367).
- core: make timeout configurable (#1362).
- Logfiles: test if target is an unexisting file before download (#1358).
- Improve realtime factor estimate (#1353).
- camera: support storage status NotSupported (#1349).
- mavsdk_server: use default port 50051 (#1347).
- core: add filter for messages from QGC (#1344).
- Update dependencies (#1342).
- templates: impl fixes (#1341).
- Update proto submodule and fix CI (#1340).
- Some static analysis (#1335).
- Add multi udp remotes (#1331).
@JonasVautherin, @julianoes, @LeonVincii, @markusachtelik, @MatejFranceskin, @yhabib29