A simple DSL for generating HTML and XML within F#. Still under heavy development for a personal project.
A strongly typed page template might look like this using the raw Core library:
open Taggen.Core
let frameWork title contentFrag =
Frag("head", [Frag("title", [Text title])])
FragAttr("a", Some [("href", "/")], [Text "Home"])
Frag("div#content", contentFrag)
(It's type is string -> List<Fragment> -> Fragment
or using the various helpers available:
open Taggen.Core
open Taggen.HtmlHelpers
open Taggen.Punctuation
open Taggen.Utils
let conciseFramework pageTitle contentFrag =
+<> (head +<> title % pageTitle)
+<> (body
+<> (nav
+<> (ul %. "#navItems"
+<> (li %. "#homeLink.navItem" +<> linkTo "Home" "/")))
+<> (div %. "#content"
+<< contentFrag))
After construction, you can call them as standard F# functions:
> printFrag (frameWork "My title" [Frag("p",[Text "An article here"])])
val it : string =
"<html><head><title>My title</title></head><body><nav><ul id="navItems"><li id="homeLink" class="navItem"><a href="/">Home</a></li></ul></nav><div id="content"><p>An article here</p></div></body></html>"
> !(conciseFramework "My title" [p_ "An article here"])
val it : string =
"<html><head><title>My title</title></head><body><nav><ul id="navItems"><li id="homeLink" class="navItem"><a href="/">Home</a></li></ul></nav><div id="content"><p>An article here</p></div></body></html>"
Pretty printing is provided via the .net XmlDocument class (note this will fail if your Taggen fragments aren't valid XML):
> !!(conciseFramework "My title" [p_ "An article here"])
val it : string =
<title>My title</title>
<ul id="navItems">
<li id="homeLink" class="navItem">
<a href="/">Home</a>
<div id="content">
<p>An article here</p>
Check out scratchpad.fsx for examples of it's current state, including experiments with various helper methods and styles.
- Write more performant foldStrings method
- Experiment with right and left associative infix 'punctuation' to ease fragment creation
- ? use Manos as default host/get routing etc?
- Add doctype helpers