is a simple C++ multiplayer game that brings to the desktop! Created out of the need for learning about networking code and building a fast running and reliable game engine, is made simple to setup, using common libraries. The game is a proof of concept for simple TCP game server that uses JSON to communicate between the server and the client.
Here's a video of it in action.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Get boost 1.68.0 or later installed on your system. (Boost 1.68.0 is the only version currently tested on all systems.)
Download and install OpenFrameworks from OpenFrameworks. Openframeworks contains the tools and APIs needed for the code to function.
Download the zip from the top of this repository. Then run the OpenFrameworks Project Generator to get all of the libraries and APIs setup that we will need for the code to run on your native system. Once the project generator is finished running, it will show you that you can open the project locally in your IDE of choice, and from there you're able to run the client version of the code.
Click on run and the code will use the server that I am running on AWS as the host for the game, eliminating the need for you to use your own server or host one locally, and using LAN.
To test the client, run the tests subfolder, which will run the unit tests with respect to the client logic. This logic includes ensuring the game client is able to connect to the server and is able to properly represent the gameboard and make alterations to the snakes.
The client tests by default will use the AWS server that I have configured to act as the other agent that is being tested. This means that the only way that the tests will work is if you start the server tests first and then start the client tests after. This way it tests both the recieving and sending of the json packets from both the client and the server, which should both respond "Both tests passed!!" after both of the tests (the sending and the recieving pass) on both ends.
If you for some reason want to make your own server for this game, the server files reside in the server folder. All you have to do is go into the server folder and run make and it will create the server executable. This executable will run on port 49145, which is configurable in the header files for both the server and the client. Note this will only work if connecting outside the network if the router is port forwarded on that port, allowing the outside connections to come through.
- Boost - The library that allows for networking
- OpenFrameworks - Graphics and GUI API
- Matthew Williams - Initial work - MaxProfit
- Thanks to Boost/ASIO for a great starter examples that really helped
- CS126 at UIUC, with Joan my code review moderator, and professor Evans
- My fellow code review victims 😂: Ethan, Amanda, Eric, and Kadri