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Robotframework training


  • few important commands
    • use this command to install robotframework :
    • pip install robotframework
    • pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
    • to see all the installed packages on pip use : pip list
    • few commands to run your tests using terminal or CMD :
    • to run specific test file:
    • robot test/testfilename.robot
    • to generate results report:
    • robot -d results test/testfilename.robot
    • to run the test with specific browser:
    • robot -d results -v BROWSER:chrome tests
    • to run all the test files in tests folder:
    • robot -d results tests
    • to run specific tags:
    • robot -d results -i smoke tests/testcasename.robot
    • to give a title to the test execution report:
    • robot -d results -N"REGRESSION RUN" tests/testcasename.robot
    • to show the debug logs either sending the log level in cmd
    • or in the script itself -> Set Log Level Debug
    • robot -d results -L debug tests
    • robot -d results --l debug tests
    • pass environment and browser variables in cmd
    • robot -d results -v BROWSER:firefox -v ENVIRONMENT:formy Tests/01__registration_tests/01__User_register.robot
    • use the following command if you want to run specific test suites
    • robot -d results --suite api_tests --suite registration_tests --suite login_tests tests

The default structure of the robotframework project should be as below:

#------------------------------- ###ProjectBase - /Tests -> test scripts * UserRegister.robot * UserLogin.robot * searchForProduct.robot * addProductToCart.robot - /Resources * Common.robot -> setup and tearDown keywords * Register.robot * login.robot * search.robot * /PO-PageObjects * HomePage.robot * LoginPage.robot * SearchResultsPage.robot * ProductsPage.robot * CartPage.robot - /Results

#Variables Scope #-------------------------------

  • Global-accessible from all tests & keywords
  • Suite-accessible to tests in the suite only
  • Test case-accessible within the test case only
  • keyword-only accessible within the keyword
  • Precedence
    • Command > script > keyword
  • Naming Convention
    • Global- @{UPPER_CASE}
    • testcase/keyword- @{lower_case}

#Architectural Vision #-------------------------------

  • Script
    • Common
    • App Keywords PageObject1 PageObject2
  • Selenium Library
  • Selenium Web drivers

#BUILT-IN library

  • log/Comment
  • Conversions
  • "Run Keyword(s)"Options
  • Repeat keyword
  • set variable (test, suit, global)
  • Should (Contain | be equal) / should not
  • sleep
  • wait until keyword succeeds (!)

#Folder Structure in robot framework

  • if i have my tests in a sub folder in tests folder
  • use : ../../Resources/Common.robot
  • if the tests are in the tests folder and not a sub folder
  • use : ../Resources/Common.robot #Jenkins
  • after downloading the jenkins.war file
  • go to cmd and run these 2 commands
  • D:
  • cd D:\Study materials and projects\Automation practices\Jenkins
  • java -Dhudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.CSP= -jar jenkins.war
  • go to localhost:8080 and enter the password you get from the cmd


This is my robot framework playground :)






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