- About T-CITY
- Requirements
- Usage
- CPAG main concepts
- Execution examples
- Configuration parameters
- Licence
T-CITY stands for Trustworthy Critical InfrasTructure SYstems. The objective of the T-CITY tool is to assist security practitioners in the design and analysis of Cyber-Physical Attack Graphs (CPAGs). A cyber-physical attack graph is a mathematical security tool aimed at modelling the different ways in which an attacker can compromise specific assets in a networked cyber-physical system. More specifically, a CPAG logically encodes the different attack paths that an attacker can follow by exploiting cyber and/or physical weaknesses and moving laterally across the network towards their target. The research work behind T-CITY focuses on the formal specification of individual CPAG units that can be subsequently combined to produce complex CPAG as well as techniques to analyse them. Overall, CPAGs aim at extending the reach of traditional attack graphs by providing a unified approach to analyse multi-stage cyber-physical attacks and their operational impact on smart cities and critical infrastructure systems.
- Java 8 or higher
- Optional:
- Graphviz (
command) is required to produce output graphs in PNG format - Python 3, PuLP, and Gurobi, to enable second MaxSAT solver
- Graphviz (
java -jar tcity.jar -g
This command executes the T-CITY tool in graphical mode.
java -jar tcity.jar -f inputFile.json [optional args]
This command executes the T-CITY tool with an input JSON file that describes the network under analysis. Optional arguments are as follows.
Optional args:
-b,--bayesian Enable Bayesian risk analysis
-c,--config <arg> Load custom configuration file
-d,--debug Turn on debug mode
-f,--file <arg> (Mandatory) Input JSON file
-g,--gui Enable graphical CPAG editor and analyser
-h,--hardening Enable hardening analysis
-t,--trace Turn on trace mode
-x,--display Enable graph solution display
The base building block of a CPAG is called a CPAG unit and is composed of three main parts: Precondition(s)
-> Attack
-> Postcondition(s)
The main idea is that the execution of an atomic attack requires a number of preconditions to be fulfilled by the attacker (e.g. possessing certain security privileges in the target network). If the attack is successful, then the attacker gains one or more new security privileges (postconditions) that can be used as preconditions for further attacks, hence the possibility of conducting multi-stage attacks.
A CPAG unit is in itself a CPAG. CPAG units can be combined to produce more complex CPAGs. In practice, some attacks may require complex combinations of preconditions to be properly executed. CPAGs can express these combainations in the form of precondition trees that are logically combined and connected to attack actions.
There are mainly three types of nodes: security privileges, actions, and logical operators.
- Security privileges are represented as ellipses and include cyber privileges, physical privileges, impact nodes, and custom privileges.
- Action nodes (attacks) are represented as rectangles.
- Logical operators include AND and OR gates (rhomboidal shape), and a splitter gate (octagonal shape) that captures multiple postconditions from a single attack action.
Nodes are connected with directed edges that represent the transition between security privilegs and attack actions. The T-CITY graphical editor allows designers to easily create graphs using the right mouse button although it can also import existing CPAGs in JSON format. CPAG nodes and edges can also have associated values that can be used for further analysis, e.g. Bayesian CPAGs for risk analysis (described later), costs for network hardening (currently under development), among others.
Designing attack graphs for complex scenarios can be a very challenging task. T-CITY aims at assisting CPAG designers to build manageable CPAG units and combine them to produce more complex CPAGs. Here we present an example with four CPAG units and its final composition.
- Open the T-CITY graphical interface:
$> java -jar tcity.jar -g
- Go to Menu ->
->Open CPAG (JSON)
and navigate to the first CPAG unit atexamples/merge/cpag-unit1.json
- You should see the following CPAG unit:
Now go to Menu -> Operations
-> Merge CPAGs
and open the second CPAG unit at examples/merge/cpag-unit2.json
. The following CPAG unit will be merged with the current CPAG:
Repeat the merging process with CPAG unit 3 (at examples/merge/cpag-unit3.json
Repeat the merging process with CPAG unit 4 (at examples/merge/cpag-unit4.json
After merging the four CPAG units, you should see the following complex CPAG:
Bayesian CPAGs are CPAGs whose edges have associated conditional probabilities. T-CITY can automatically compute the marginal probabilities of the security privileges, which are understood as the risk (or likelihood) of an attacker reaching specific assets in the network. The following example involves a simplified CPAG designed to analyse cyber-physical attacks in a smart farming context.
- Open the T-CITY graphical interface:
$> java -jar tcity.jar -g
- Go to Menu ->
->Open CPAG (JSON)
and navigate to the smart farming scenario atexamples/smart-farming/farming.json
- Go to Menu ->
CPAG Metrics
->Auto Bayesian risk
- You should see the following Bayesian CPAG:
$> java -jar tcity.jar -f examples/smart-farming/farming.json --bayesian --display
11:46:47 [INFO ] TCity:51 - == T-CITY v0.64 ==
11:46:47 [INFO ] TCity:52 - == Started at 2022-06-10 11:46:47.497 ==
11:46:47 [INFO ] TCity:118 - Input file: examples/smart-farming/farming.json
11:46:47 [INFO ] TCity:120 - => Loading problem specification...
11:46:47 [INFO ] TCity:124 - done in 139 ms (0 seconds).
11:46:47 [INFO ] TCity:145 - (*) Hardening analysis not enabled (enable with flag -h)
11:46:47 [INFO ] TCity:150 - (*) Bayesian enabled
11:46:47 [INFO ] BayesianTransformer:245 - Bayesian. Computing inconditional probabilities for graph G(V=40,E=48)
11:46:47 [INFO ] BayesianTransformer:261 - Bayes => sourceNode: attacker, targetNode: target
11:46:47 [INFO ] BayesianTransformer:348 - [TIME] Bayesian generation took 36 ms (0 seconds)
11:46:47 [INFO ] RiskAnalysis:48 - Unconditional probability for target 'target': 0.62050078537184
11:46:47 [INFO ] BayesianAndOrGraphExporter:222 - Writing Graph to DOT file
11:46:49 [INFO ] TCity:160 - == T-CITY ended at 2022-06-10 11:46:49.147 ==
If Graphviz is properly installed and the T-CITY config file has the correct path to the dot
tool (e.g. tools.dot = /usr/local/bin/dot
), then you should see the following CPAG:
The configuration parameters are stored in the file tcity.conf
The tool also accepts a different configuration file as argument [-c configFile] to override the configuration in tcity.conf. If the file tcity.conf
is not present, T-CITY uses the default configuration values.
Apache License 2.0