I am a PhD student in Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML) at the School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University under the supervision of Prof. Douglas Chai. My main research interest is in devising deep learning methods for various multimodal action analysis and classification tasks.
Beside this, I'm an aspring Data Scientist who is passionate about buidling AI-based products that solve business problems. I diverse input into deisgn and development of data-driven strategies enabling the innovation. I love coding with Python. I build chatbots for fun. I mentor for Python WA, Perth Machine Learning Group. I judge Hackathons. I am an Open Source Advocate. I am focused on Data Science & AI Communities.
- 💻 I’m a Data Scientist
- 📈 I’m always learning new skills. Learning never ends !
- 📊 I’m looking to collaborate with other Data Scientists and developers
- 💬 Ask me about problems and challenges in multimodal action recognition and data-driven straegies to find value for business.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm trying to loose some weight 😄
AI900 | AZ900 | DP900 | DP100 | AI100 |