- PE-Game-Engine is an open source game engine, which uses the OpenGL programming interface and the Bullet physics engine.
- PE-Game-Engine was originally developed for the Pelota tennis simulation game which was ported to the Godot game engine.
What is currently working:
- Creating and displaying models through a convenient GameObject Interface. Models can be of any standard format (e.g. glb, obj, dae).
- Creating and simulating physic objects with an optional model through a convenient PhysicObject Interface.
- Background sound.
- Basic Input functionality.
- Shadow (at the moment this is considered experimental)
What is being worked on:
- Displaying animations.
PE-Game-Engine currently is in early development!
On Ubuntu/Debian systems:
sudo apt install libglfw3-dev libglm-dev libassimp-dev libfreetype6-dev libbullet-dev libsfml-dev
On Arch systems:
sudo pacman -S glfw-x11 glm assimp freetype2 bullet sfml
Simple build procedure:
$ meson build # Build configuration
$ cd build
$ ninja # Build project
Thanks to Joey de Vries for his great OpenGl tutorial at https://learnopengl.com/. PE-Game-Engine is based on the code snippets from his tutorial.