Full Stack MMA School is an application for creating and managing classes for a martial arts school. Instructors are able to log in and create classes based on user skill level and preference for in-person or virtual lessons, and coordinate class size if constraints are required by local health ordinances. Students and instructors can also post messages and communicate with each other through the platform.
Our application uses Node.js, Express, mySQL, Sequelize, JQuery, Passport, Passport-local, Passport-google-oauth, and Bootstrap.
Deployed Site: https://guarded-hamlet-46204.herokuapp.com/
Just clone this Repo. Visit the deployed page link.
- Jonathan Cobb jmc846
- Michael Chen mc4506
- Nicholas La Monaco nlamonaco86
- Sergey Bolotnikov sbolotnikov
Licensed under MIT License.
Mail us:
- Jonathan Cobb jmc846
- Michael Chen mc4506
- Nicholas La Monaco nlamonaco86
- Sergey Bolotnikov sbolotnikov