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t8dev: Tools for retrocomputing (mostly 8-bit) cross-development

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WARNING: This documentation is not currently up to date. Currently it's best to contact cjs and get him to help you set up the t8dev submodule for your development project.


  • File and Directory Organization
    • ASL (The Macroassembler AS) Notes
    • ASxxxx Notes
  • Third-party Development Tools
    • VICE: The Versatile Commodore Emulator
    • MAME Multi-system Emulators
  • Additional Third-party Tools
    • VICE: The Versatile Commodore Emulator
    • MAME Multi-system Emulators
  • Additional Tool Information
    • Playing CMT (Cassette Tape) Images
    • The py65 Monitor

This repo supports development of programs in 8-bit assembly languages (for a variety of platforms) and tools to aid this development. It includes a Python framework under psrc/ and build tool bin/t8dev that builds and tests the assembly code.

Unit tests are written in pytest and use Python-based CPU simulators such as py65 for MOS 6502 and testmc.mc6800 for Motorola 6800.

The t8dev.toolset packages build and install various development tools such as Macroassembler AS, other assemblers, binary file and disk image tools, and 8-bit microcomputer emulators.

This currently has been tested only under Linux (mainly Debian), but should work under MacOS and other Unices. It likely can be made to work under Windows as well, if there's demand; contact cjs if you're interested in getting support for this.

File and Directory Organization

Here is an overview of the major files and directories in this repo.


  • This file.
  • Test: Installs third-party tools where necessary, builds the code and runs the unit tests. (Bash.)
  • pactivate: When sourced in Bash (. ./pactivate) activates the Python virtual environment, building a new one (and installing the packages listed in requirements.txt, such as py65 and pytest) if necessary. You can also directly run programs in the virtual environment without separately activating it by running them from .build/virtualenv/bin/. Deactivate the virtual environment with deactivate.


  • bin/: Development tools/scripts.
  • tool/: Third-party tool installation.
  • lib/testmc/: Unit test library Python module.
  • src/: Assembly source code, unit tests and documentation. These are generally modules used by full programs under exe/.
  • exe/: "Top-level" assembly files for full executable program builds, usually just doing configuration and including code from src/. See exe/README.
  • tmp/: Ignored; used to keep developer's random files out of the way.

Third-party Development Tools

Most of the development tools used for code in this repo are downloaded and built by the scripts under the tool/ directory. Tools already available in the path will be used instead; see the check_installed() functions in the setup scripts for details.


Development Tools:

  • retroabandon/osimg supplies ROM BIOS images for emulators and DOS disk images used as a base for building test images.
  • Vince Weaver's dos33fsprogs provides tools for handling Apple II DOS 3.3 disk images and files.

Simulators and Emulators:

  • The py65 6502 microprocessor simulator (source) is used to run unit tests.
  • The LinApple Apple II emulator can be used to run Apple II programs.

ASL (The Macroassembler AS) Notes

Versions 1.42 builds 205 through at least 218 are broken for t8dev due to the "Symbols in Segment NOTHING" section disappearing from the map file. See t8dev.toolset.asl for more details.

ASxxxx Notes

The Linux binaries provided for ASxxxx are 32-bit, and on 64-bit systems will error out with "No such file or directory" when run unless the 32-bit dynamic linker ( and libraries are installed.

For this reason, by default ASxxxx is not installed and used. Use ./Test -A to enable assembly and testing of code using ASxxxx. This is a persistent flag (even across fully clean ./Test -C builds); remove .all-tools from the top level repository directory to disable it.

To install the 32-bit libraries on a 64-bit Debian 9 system:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt update
apt install libc6-i386

Additional Third-party Tools

The following tools do not currently have any specific support in this repo, but can be useful for testing.

VICE: The Versatile Commodore Emulator

VICE is a suite of simulators for various CBM computers, including PET models, the VIC-20 and the Commodore 64.

MAME Multi-system Emulators

You can install or build the latest version from or just use your system packages; on Debian 9 they'd be installed with:

sudo apt-get install mame mame-tools mame-doc

The documentation installed by mame-doc, under file:///usr/share/doc/mame-doc/singlehtml/index.html, is just an older version of what's found at

Additional Tool Information

Playing CMT (Cassette Tape) Images

bin/cmtconv is used to generate .wav files that can be played into microcomputers. It can be handy to play these directly from your development host, and even more handy to add an separate audio interface (usually USB) to dedicate to this. On Linux systems, pactl list short sinks will show a list of all sink (output) numbers, names and other information. A name from this list can be passed to paplay -d NAME .build/obj/exe/…/….wav to load the image on your microcomputer.

Recording should be done not with parec (which always writes the output in raw format) but parecord (use SIGINT to stop recording):

parecord --file-format=wav --format=u8 --channels=1 -d SRCNAME FILE.wav

The pavucontrol window can be used to view levels during recording and playback.

The py65 Monitor

py65 includes a monitor, py65mon, that can be run from the command line. With no options it drops directly into the monitor on a simulated 6502 with 64K RAM.


  • -l FILE: Load file at address $0000.
  • -r FILE: Load ROM image at top of address space and reset into it.
  • -g ADDR: Goto ADDR after loading files.
  • -i ADDR: Location of TTY input register getc (default 0xf004)
  • -o ADDR: Location of TTY ouput register putc (default 0xf001)

Addresses given on the command line use C/Python base notation (10, 0xa, 012) rather than the +$ notation used with monitor commands.

Command summary (similar to VICE monitor):


  • Readline command line editing available.
  • Prefix numbers w/$+% for hex/decimal/binary. radix shows/sets default.
  • help [CMD] with for more details.
  • quit
  • add_label ADDR NAME, show_labels, delete_label NAME: NAME can be used in place of ADDR below, and arithmetic (start+8) may be used.

Display and input:

  • ~ NUMBER: Displays NUMBER in all bases.
  • registers: display PC AC XR YR SP NV-BDIZC. Set regs with NAME=VALUE, comma-separated.
  • mem START:END: Display memory. Show 16-byte lines with width 70.
  • fill ADDR[:END] BYTE ...: Deposit byte(s) starting at ADDR. Repeats bytes to END if given.
  • disassemble START:END
  • assemble ADDR [STMT]: Interactive if no stmt given. Labels may be used.
  • load "FNURL" ADDR: Load file or URL (quotes optional) at given address (top for top of memory). (Warning: C64 files will have a two-byte load address at the start of the file that's treated as data.)


  • reset: Reset CPU and clear memory.
  • goto ADDR: Set PC and resume execution
  • return: Execute, return to monitor just before next RTS/RTI.
  • step: Executes instr, disassembles next instr.
  • add_breakpoint ADDR, show_breakpoints, delete_breakpoint ADDR.
  • cycles: Display number of cycles since last reset.

Contact Information

The author of this tool is Curt Sampson; the best ways to contact him are:


t8dev: Tools for retrocomputing (mostly 8-bit) cross-development





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