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It sucks!

Karby is a basic log aggregator that works with Vector. Every batch is saved as a different file, and an aggregator script run via cron aggregates logs everyday.


First, clone this git repository into the home directory of a new user (karby).

Next, install dependencies by running bundle install in the root directory of the repository.

Karby Server

To deploy the server copy the included service file karby.service to /etc/systemd/system/. Then run the following commands as root:

systemctl enable karby.service
systemctl start karby.service

You can check if the service is running with systemctl status karby.service.


If you want to run this over zerotier only, first change the After line in your service file to the following: zerotier-one.service

Then change the BIND_ADDRESS in your service file to your local zerotier ip.

Karby Aggregator

Add the following line to the karby user's crontab to have each days logs aggregated:

0 6 * * * env PRE_AGGREGATION_DIR=/home/karby/temp POST_AGGREGATION_DIR=/home/karby/logs DESTROY_LOG_PARTS=FALSE ruby /home/karby/karby-aggregator.rb "$(date -d "yesterday 6:00" '+%Y-%m-%d')" >/dev/null 2>&1

If you want to destroy the part logs after the aggregation change DESTROY_LOG_PARTS=TRUE in the line above.

Note: This will aggregate the previous day's logs at 06:00 the next day.


If using RVM to manage ruby versions, you will likely need to generate a wrapper script for the gems to be viewed properly (see this page).

Sample Vector Sink

  type = "http"
  inputs = []
  compression = "none"
  healthcheck = true
  uri = ""

  batch.max_size = 1049000
  batch.timeout_secs = 0

  buffer.type = "memory"
  buffer.max_events = 500
  buffer.when_full = "block"

  encoding.codec = "json"
  encoding.only_fields = ["timestamp","message"]

  request.in_flight_limit = 10
  request.rate_limit_duration_secs = 1
  request.rate_limit_num = 1000
  request.timeout_secs = 30