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Note: this repository is hosting the demo that was previously located at algolia/examples

Instant-Search Demo Enhanced

The same sample project but enhanced

Features +

  • The simplest dockerfile of the world
  • A simple multiarch Makefile
  • A simple ArgoCD & Rollout deployment to ensure graceful handling of failures
  • A k3d cluster with
    • Traefik Ingress
    • ArgoCD & Argo rollout for deployment and release


You need to have installed :

On linux

sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl "$(curl -L -s"
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl

On Mac

brew install kubectl
  • Install Argo rollout Kubectl plugin

On Linux

sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl-argo-rollouts
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-argo-rollouts 

On Mac

brew install argoproj/tap/kubectl-argo-rollouts
  • Install ArgoCD cli

On Linux

sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/argocd
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/argocd

On Mac

brew install argocd
  • Add entry for demo purpose to your /etc/hosts
echo  "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo  "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  • Shoot your MDM if you have one ( or be kind with him ) because it could be a problem with port binding, among other things.

    • If you can't or if you have a problem with it please run into a VM with multipass for example or contact me for providing it
  • If you use Docker Desktop be sure that you disable kubernetes and restart it

Get the project (if you want to see it or build it)

git clone git clone [email protected]:mdecalf/instant-search-demo-enhanced.git
cd instant-search-demo-enhanced

Build application (if you want or use image below)

# Make sure you have done a docker login

make image

Install k3d

On Linux

sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/k3d

On Mac M1

sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/k3d

On Mac Linux

sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/k3d

Launch k3d cluster

k3d cluster create algolia --agents 2 --servers 1 --api-port 6443 -p "8080:80@loadbalancer" -p "8443:443@loadbalancer" --image rancher/k3s:v1.21.9-k3s1

Install argocd and argo rollout

kubectl create namespace argo-rollouts
kubectl apply -n argo-rollouts -f

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f

# Terrible hack for avoid ssl passthrough problem, sorry
cat <<EOF | kubectl -n argocd patch deployment argocd-server --patch '
  "spec": {
    "template": {
      "spec": {
        "containers": [
            "name": "argocd-server",
            "command": [

cat <<EOF | kubectl -n argocd apply -f -
kind: Ingress
  name: argocd-server-http-ingress
  namespace: argocd
  annotations: "true" "HTTP"
  - host:
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: argocd-server
              number: 80
  - hosts:
    secretName: argocd-secret

Login to Argocd

Wait for container creating

You can access to the UI through

Get admin password

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo

You can connect through the UI with user admin and the password above ( maybe you need refresh page at login )

Connect with argocd cli

# use password provided below
argocd login --insecure --grpc-web --username admin

Deploy application

For the purpose of this demo one image with two tags green and blue were pushed on dockerhub acronys/instant-search-demo-enhanced

kubectl create ns algolia-search

argocd app create search-app-rollout \
  --repo \
  --path deployments \
  --dest-namespace algolia-search \
  --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
  --revision blue

argocd app sync search-app-rollout

After that, an argocd application is created and deployed on our namespace

You can see the rollout app with

# Verify that your application is deployed with argo rollout
kubectl argo rollouts -n algolia-search get rollout search-app-rollout --watch

Access the app

You can access app through or on your browser

It's the blue version for the purpose of this demo


Hurt the app

By design our application is replicated and load balanced so you can delete a pod it will be recreated

# Get the pods and choose one or more
kubectl -n algolia-search get  po

# Delete a chosen pod
kubectl -n algolia-search delete po <YOUR_VICTIM>

# It will be re-created again and again
kubectl -n algolia-search get  po 
NAME                                  READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-8gn69   1/1     Running             1          11h
search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-7wxx5   1/1     Running             1          11h
search-app-rollout-9c56c956f-x67lp    1/1     Running             1          11h
search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-frvl6   1/1     Running             1          11h
search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-r5cn8   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2s
search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-2r6c2   0/1     Terminating         0          15s

Deploy a new revision and rollback through Canary release

Now we want to deploy a new revision of our app the green release. For the purpose of this demo we will use a command instead of real CD pipeline

argocd app patch search-app-rollout --patch '{"spec": { "source": { "targetRevision": "green" } }}' --type merge
argocd app sync search-app-rollout

Go to the Argocd UI or use argo rollout command

kubectl argo rollouts -n algolia-search get rollout search-app-rollout --watch

Name:            search-app-rollout
Namespace:       algolia-search
Status:          ॥ Paused
Message:         CanaryPauseStep
Strategy:        Canary
Step:          1/8
SetWeight:     20
ActualWeight:  20
Images:          acronys/instant-search-demo-enhanced:blue (stable)
acronys/instant-search-demo-enhanced:green (canary)
Desired:       5
Current:       5
Updated:       1
Ready:         5
Available:     5

NAME                                            KIND        STATUS     AGE  INFO
⟳ search-app-rollout                            Rollout     ॥ Paused   38m  
├──# revision:8                                                             
│  └──⧉ search-app-rollout-9c56c956f            ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy  36m  canary
│     └──□ search-app-rollout-9c56c956f-l48rq   Pod         ✔ Running  24s  ready:1/1
└──# revision:7                                                             
└──⧉ search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6           ReplicaSet  ✔ Healthy  38m  stable
├──□ search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-gwfrj  Pod         ✔ Running  95s  ready:1/1
├──□ search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-m8k6j  Pod         ✔ Running  67s  ready:1/1
├──□ search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-tms2q  Pod         ✔ Running  67s  ready:1/1
└──□ search-app-rollout-6d459b5df6-vlbdb  Pod         ✔ Running  67s  ready:1/1

Now go on your browser on the app tab and do CTRL+F5 or ⌘ + Maj + R on mac ( important because I only change css color ...)

As you can see every 5 reload you got the green release. It corresponds at 20% of pods that is the first step of our rollout release


Are you happy with the green release ? If yes do

kubectl argo rollouts -n algolia-search promote search-app-rollout --full

After few seconds you will get 100% of call on the green release

Finally you prefer the blue release ?

If you haven't done full rollout command above you can do

kubectl argo rollouts  -n algolia-search abort search-app-rollout

If you done full rollout command you can specify an old revision like this

kubectl argo rollouts -n algolia-search undo search-app-rollout --to-revision=1

Uninstall the demo

Cause I'm nice, find below the uninstall command of our demo

k3d cluster delete algolia

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/argocd
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/kubectl
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/kubectl-argo-rollouts 
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/k3d

Remove entry in your /etc/hosts

For further

  • Use CI tools like gitlab CI or github action instead of Readme
  • Use separate git repo for deployment with kustomize
  • Use a real strategy for Canary release based on traffic management with Istio integration for example
  • Use git commit/branch instead of patching ArgoCD project based on git release
  • Add a real cert for ingress