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Product Marketplace MVP

Backbone for a marketplace-like project to be deployed on


You can preview the marketplace template at our demo site here:


Still in active development and some concepts are being validated and might change.


This is a cheat sheet for installing the Product Marketplace Template. For complete installation instructions visit Get Started: pOS Marketplace Template.

  1. Install the pos-cli
npm install -g @platformos/pos-cli
  1. Create Instance

Go to

  1. Add Instance to pos-cli
mkdir marketplace
cd marketplace
pos-cli env add <YOUR_ENV_NAME> --email <YOUR_EMAIL> --url <YOUR_INSTANCE_URL>
  1. Clone the repository
pos-cli init --url
  1. Build assets
npm install
npm run build
  1. Deploy
pos-cli deploy <YOUR_ENV_NAME>

Open your web browser with your Instance URL where you will be provided with post-install steps.

Seed sample data

pos-cli data import <YOUR_ENV_NAME> --path=seed/ --zip
pos-cli uploads push <YOUR_ENV_NAME> --path=seed/images


  • To access the admin panel of your marketplace register a user with this email address: [email protected]
  • Enter the Admin section from main menu and go to the Marketplace Setup section.
  • Admins are identified based on email addresses defined in the Constant superadmins - see app/migrations/20200811133711_set_superadmins.liquid

See our Get Started documentation for Setting Up Stripe Connect.

Benefits and features

  • as a customer I can search for an item by name, description

  • as a customer I can search for an item by tag

  • as a customer I can search for an item by category

  • as a customer I can order an item

  • as an entrepreneur I can list an item

  • as an entrepreneur I can mark an order as paid

  • as an entrepreneur I can mark an order as shipped

  • as an entrepreneur I can cancel an order

  • as an admin I can browse all items

  • as an admin I can browse all orders

  • as an admin I can browse all users

  • as an admin I can browse all events

  • stripe integration


  • installation wizard

Development guidelines

First changes

  1. Run sync pos-cli sync <YOUR_ENV_NAME>
  2. Edit your marketplace name in file app/translations/en.yml, key:
  3. See changes on your website

platformOS project

General rules

Business logic and presentation logic are separated and should not interfere with each other, meaning:

  • no HTML tags in business logic
  • no data queries in presentation layer

Commands / business logic

Command is our concept to encapsulate business rules. By following our recommendation, you will improve the consistency of your code, so it will be easy to onboard new developers to the project and easier to take over existing projects. We are using the same pattern for all of our templates. The advantage of using this architecture is that it will be easy to re-use the command - you will be able to execute it both in a live web request, as well as a background job. It will also be easy to copy it across different projects.


  • location: /app/views/partials/lib/commands

  • for business logic use commands

  • general command consists of 3 stages:

    • build - This is the place where you build input for the command; if you are proficient with platformOS - equivalent of Form's default_payload)
    • validate - This is the place where you validate the input - for example, you ensure all required fields are provided, you check uniqueness, check the format of the input (numbers are really a numbers and not letters) etc. This always returns hash with two keys - valid being either true or false, and if false - errors with details why validation has failed.
    • execute - If validation succeeds, proceed with executing the command. Any error raised here should be considered 500 server error. If you allow errors here, it means there is something wrong with the code organisation, as all checks to prevent errors should be done in validate step.
  • commands are designed to be easily executed as background job [heavy commands - external API call, expensive operations computations, reports]

  • each command might produce an event

Data queries

  • location: app/views/partials/lib/queries
  • generaly these are wrappers on graphql queries

Presentation views - HTML / JSON

To ensure frontend is maintanable and easy to change, we follow couple of important rules. First of all, all our frontend code is inside theme directory. Those file should not know about existence of any other file outside of theme. All data that are needed for the frontend should be explicitly provided to them - there shouldn't be any GraphQL queries inside theme. If you need extra data that are not provided by default, we suggest to make all GraphQL queries inside a page (which you can treat as a Controller in MVC architecture) and explicitly provide the result of this query to the partial.

  • location: app/views/partials/theme
  • partials to be aware ONLY of local variables - no context.session OR context.exports are allowed
  • prepare / fetch external data in a page and pass it to partials as local variable
  • also no graphql queries are allowed within theme folder



  • each command produces an event
  • example: when users logs in the system produces user_session_created event { actor: { id: LOGGED_USER_ID } }
  • then the event can be asynchronously consumed by a consumer


  • location: app/views/partials/lib/consumers

Custom validation error messages

See commit/c4c046 if you want to add custom message to any existing form field.

Social Media / Community


  • user can follow user
  • TDB user can follow anything, category [topic] / item

activity feeds

  • activity record after creation can be published to the following feeds:

    • user-public

      stream of activities accesible to everyone

    • user-private

      private activities stream visible only to related user

    • user-audience

      private streams of users which follows the user

    • custom-audit [1]

      all activities - visible

    • custom-items [2]

      created items


  • user_followed_user

    actor = follower, target = followed

    • target:private
    • actor:public
    • actor:audience
  • user_created_item

    actor = owner, audience = followers

    • actor:private
    • actor:public
    • actor:audience
  • user_created_order

    actor = customer, audience = item's owner

    • actor:private
    • target:audience


categories can be adjusted by:

  • /admin/categories
  • adding a translation to the app/translations/en_categories.liquid file


To imporve workflow with creating new resource you can use generator that will create boilerplate files for your. Generators follow development guidelines.


CRUD generator will create all files needed to create, update, delete.

  ./scaffold/bin/generate resource --help

    Usage: generate <model_name> <attribute_name:type_attribute...> ex. generate car car_model:string year:integer

    Generate model files for basic operations create, read, update, delete

Resource generator is expecting model name, list of fields with names and their types.

  ./scaffold/bin/generate resource car model:string color:string year:int
    create scaffold/generators/crud/templates/translations/cars.yml
    create app/model_schemas/car.yml
    create app/graphql/cars/create.graphql
    create app/graphql/cars/delete.graphql
    create app/graphql/cars/search.graphql
    create app/graphql/cars/update.graphql
    create app/views/partials/lib/queries/cars/find.liquid
    create app/views/partials/lib/queries/cars/search.liquid
    create app/views/partials/lib/commands/cars/create.liquid
    create app/views/partials/lib/commands/cars/create/build.liquid
    create app/views/partials/lib/commands/cars/create/check.liquid
    create app/views/partials/lib/commands/cars/delete.liquid
    create app/views/partials/lib/commands/cars/delete/check.liquid
    create app/views/partials/lib/commands/cars/update/build.liquid
    create app/views/partials/lib/commands/cars/update/check.liquid
    create app/views/pages/cars/create.liquid
    create app/views/pages/cars/delete.liquid
    create app/views/pages/cars/edit.liquid
    create app/views/pages/cars/index.liquid
    create app/views/pages/cars/new.liquid
    create app/views/pages/cars/show.liquid
    create app/views/pages/cars/update.liquid
    create app/views/partials/theme/simple/cars/edit.liquid
    create app/views/partials/theme/simple/cars/empty_state.liquid
    create app/views/partials/theme/simple/cars/form.liquid
    create app/views/partials/theme/simple/cars/index.liquid
    create app/views/partials/theme/simple/cars/new.liquid
    create app/views/partials/theme/simple/cars/show.liquid

After deploy you can access page when you can list, create, update and delete objects:

Now you have good place to start in customizing it to your needs.


REST API generator will create json endpoints

  ./scaffold/bin/generate rest-api --help

    Usage: generate <model_name>


    generate rest-api car

REST api generator is expecting model name.

./scaffold/bin/generate rest-api car
   create app/views/pages/api/cars/create.json.liquid
   create app/views/pages/api/cars/delete.json.liquid
   create app/views/pages/api/cars/show.json.liquid
   create app/views/pages/api/cars/update.json.liquid
REST api endpoints generated

For automation / CI/CD purposes:

docker run -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node:12-alpine npm install
docker run -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node:12-alpine ./scaffold/bin/generate resource RESOURCENAME PROPERTY:TYPE ...


e2e tests

Testcafe tests are located in test/ directory. To run tests first you have to seed test data by:

  pos-cli data import --path=./seed/ --zip <YOUR_ENV_NAME>

To run tests in headless mode:

  MPKIT_URL= testcafe "chromium:headless" test/

Please note, before you will be able to run tests again, you will most likely need to clean data:

  pos-cli data clean <env>

To manually debug in case when test fails:

  MPKIT_URL= testcafe "chromium" test/ --debug-on-fail

To save screenshots of test fails:

  MPKIT_URL= testcafe "chromium" test/ -s takeOnFails=true

e2e test report

To make test report as page (with screenshots):

  MPKIT_URL= testcafe chrome:headless test/ report --reporter html:app/views/pages/_test_results/index.liquid -s path=test/screenshots/,takeOnFails=true

Then open your browser and you can visit it at:

unit tests


Use real US address like:

722 Laurel Ave

Updating your related app

You will most probably clone the repository and build your own app based on this template. In the meantime it is probable that the core template will be updated as well. If you’d like to update your dependent project with the changes applied to the template you can merge those to your own repository.

First, set the upstream to the template repository:

git remote add upstream

After doing this once, you will be able to merge changes from the template to your own project repository:

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b update
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master --no-commit

After this you will most likely have to resolve some conflicts if your code differs from the template. It is up to you to choose which changes would you like to keep and which will be overwriten by the changes in template. When you resolve the conflicts and keep only the changes you want, you just need to push them to your repository:

git add *
git commit -m "Resolving conflicts after update"
git push

After those operations you will have a separate branch that has been updated with the code from the main template repository.


simple marketplace - proof of concept






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