- Meghana Varanasi [email protected]
Learning Management System (Submission Portal + Forum)
Login - Gmail / Github
Create multiple Classes
Switch between different classes you've created
Assignments Page:
- Upload different assignments for each class
- You can set the deadline and score for each assignment while uploading
- Right after uploading, you can view the assignments, their details (deadlin, total) and also download the assignment
Announcements Page:
- a default automatic assignment is created everytime you upload an assignment
- Post a new Announcement
- Reply to Annoucements
Submissions Page:
- View submissions made by each student in the class for each assignment
Login - Gmail / Github
Join multiple classses using the class ID and password provided by the instructor
Switch between different classes you've joined
Assingments Page:
- View all the assignments, their respective deadlines, scores for each class
- Submit your solution to an assignment once
Announcements Page:
- you can view the default assignment annoucements
- You can reply to different posts
- Post a new doubt/post
Checkout the project https://kozy-klassroom.web.app/
Some demo classes that you can join rn :
- ClassID : DS501 Password : DS501
- ClassID : CS303 Password : 303
Please wait for an alert after assignment, submission upload, class room creatation, joining one etc it might take a while to get an alert.
(And please reload the page if you are unable to see the updated content.).
And don't use same email ID to login in as a student and instructor.
ReactJS, Firebase, Material UI,React Router DOM
To run this project locally, please download the assignment and run:
npm i
npm start
Minimal (Free version)
Free React Admin Dashboard made with Material-UI components and React.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information. Email the team: [email protected]