Repo pour l'atelier du coding club des filles pour apprendre le SQL: Accio Query
Service de promotion des sciences de l'EPFL - 2023
The easiest is to use windows subsystem for linux (wsl) to be able to use the commands described on the jekyll website. Once wsl is installed and running (wsl
in Microsoft PowerShell) clone this repository. After having installed jekyll as it is described on the official jekyll website, move to the repository directory and run:
bundle exec jekyll serve
This will compile the website and create a local server to test the website. Press crtl+C to stop the development server.
Pour le développement en local ou le déploiment, il faut changer l'url de base dans _config.yml.
Databases where extracted from Wiki Harry Potter and Harry Potter Lexikon
This work is heavily inspired by the website by Kao Zichong.
Prose and code is licensed by SPS EPFL under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. Concept and code inspired by SelectStarSQL. Hosted on Github Pages.