This package provides H265 video decoder and encoder, based on ffmpeg.
Documentation is available at HexDocs
Add the following line to your deps
in mix.exs
. Run mix deps.get
{:membrane_h265_ffmpeg_plugin, "~> 0.4.1"}
This package depends on the ffmpeg libraries. The precompiled builds will be pulled and linked automatically. However, should there be any problems, consider installing it manually.
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev
pacman -S ffmpeg
brew install ffmpeg
The following pipeline takes 30fps H265 file and decodes it to the raw video.
defmodule Decoding.Pipeline do
use Membrane.Pipeline
alias Membrane.H265
@impl true
def handle_init(_ctx, _opts) do
structure =
child(:source, %Membrane.File.Source{chunk_size: 40_960, location: "input.h265"})
|> child(:parser, H265.Parser)
|> child(:decoder, H265.FFmpeg.Decoder)
|> child(:sink, %Membrane.File.Sink{location: "output.raw"})
{[spec: structure], %{}}
The following pipeline takes 720p raw video file as input and encodes it as H265.
defmodule Encoding.Pipeline do
use Membrane.Pipeline
@impl true
def handle_init(_) do
structure =
child(:source, %Membrane.File.Source{chunk_size: 40_960, location: "input.raw"})
|> child(:parser, %Membrane.RawVideo.Parser{width: 1280, height: 720, pixel_format: :I420})
|> child(:encoder, %Membrane.H265.FFmpeg.Encoder{preset: :fast, crf: 30})
|> child(:sink, %Membrane.File.Sink{location: "output.h265"})
{[spec: structure], %{}}