driver library for Ti CC1100 / CC1101.
Contains Lib for Raspberry Pi.
Note: Raspi need wiringPi
check cc1101_raspi.h for Pin description
CC1101 Vdd = 3.3V CC1101 max. digital voltage level = 3.3V (not 5V tolerant)
Vdd - 3.3V (P1-01)
SI - MOSI (P1-19)
SO - MISO (P1-21)
CS - SS (P1-24)
SCLK - SCK (P1-23)
GDO2 - GPIO (P1-22)
GDO0 - not used in this demo
GND - P1-25
-> pkt_len [1byte] | rx_addr [1byte] | tx_addr [1byte] | payload data [1..60bytes]
pkt_len = count of bytes which shall transfered over air (rx_addr + tx_addr + payload data)
rx_addr = address of device, which shall receive the message (0x00 = broadcast to all devices)
tx_addr = transmitter or my address. the receiver should know who has sent a message.
payload = 1 to 60 bytes payload data.
TX Bytes example:
-> 0x06 0x03 0x01 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03
use uint8_t CC1100::begin(volatile uint8_t &My_addr) always as first configuration step. Device address
you should set a unique device address for the transmitter and a unique device address for the receiver. This can be done with void CC1100::set_myaddr(uint8_t addr).
i.E. -> TX = 0x01 ; RX = 0x03
the following modulation modes can be set by void CC1100::set_mode(uint8_t mode). Transmitter and receiver must have the same Mode setting.
1 = GFSK_1_2_kb
2 = GFSK_38_4_kb
3 = GFSK_100_kb
4 = MSK_250_kb
5 = MSK_500_kb
6 = OOK_4_8_kb
you can set a frequency operation band by void CC1100::set_ISM(uint8_t ism_freq) to make it compatible with your hardware.
1 = 315
2 = 433
3 = 868
4 = 915
be sure first, that you have already wiringPi installed on your Raspberry Pi hardware.
copy RX_Demo.cpp, TX_Demo.cpp, cc1100_raspi.cpp, cc1100_raspi.h in the same directory and compile:
sudo g++ -lwiringPi RX_Demo.cpp cc1100_raspi.cpp -o RX_Demo
sudo chmod 755 RX_Demo
sudo g++ -lwiringPi TX_Demo.cpp cc1100_raspi.cpp -o TX_Demo
sudo chmod 755 TX_Demo
CC1100 SW [-h] [-V] [-a My_Addr] [-r RxDemo_Addr] [-i Msg_Interval] [-t tx_retries] [-c channel] [-f frequency]
[-m modulation]
-h print this help and exit
-V print version and exit
-v set verbose flag
-a my address [1-255] set my address
-r rx address [1-255] set RxDemo receiver address
-i interval ms[1-6000] sets message interval timing
-t tx_retries [0-255] sets message send retries
-c channel [1-255] set transmit channel
-f frequency [315,434,868,915] set ISM band
-m modulation [1,38,100,250,500,4] set modulation
sudo ./TX_Demo -v -a1 -r3 -i1000 -t5 -c1 -f434 -m100
CC1100 SW [-h] [-V] [-v] [-a My_Addr] [-c channel] [-f frequency] [-m modulation]
-h print this help and exit
-V print version and exit
-v set verbose flag
-a my address [1-255] set my address
-c channel [1-255] set transmit channel
-f frequency [315,434,868,915] set ISM band
-m modulation [1,38,100,250,500,4] set modulation
sudo ./RX_Demo -v -a3 -c1 -f434 -m100