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Replace bigfraction.js with CLJS code (#155)
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littleredcomputer authored Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 89f75a7 commit 13dda79
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,26 @@

## [unreleased]

- #155

- Replace the implementation of arbitrary-precision rational arithmetic
provided by `fraction.js` with Clojure code, allowing us to remove
a JavaScript dependency.

- We note here a subtlety with fraction reader syntax. When the CLJS
compiler runs and encounters input like `#emmy/ratio 1/2`, since
the compilation occurs in a JVM Clojure environment the 1/2 will
deserialize as a Ratio, which is then transformed by the reader into
code which will generate a ClojureScript `Fraction`. The ClojureScript
reader, however, evaluates the input as q JS expression resulting
in 0.5, which is then rationalized with an expensive algorithm
which may lose exactness because of the unwanted floating-point
conversion. For this reason, when we emit a ratio in string form,
we quote the arguments: `#emmy/ratio "1/2"` to prevent the conversion.
Consider this a deprecation notice for the unquoted form. We also
now allow the form `#emmy/ratio [1 2]`, like Complex, and now no
longer allow an initial `+` on the numerator.

- #154:

- Adds `emmy.tape` with an implementation of reverse-mode automatic
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295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions src/emmy/bigfraction.cljs
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#_"SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0"

(ns emmy.bigfraction
"A CLJS bigfraction is a coprime pair of JavaScript BigInts, with the
sign carried in the numerator."
(:refer-clojure :exclude [abs zero? neg?])
[clojure.core :as core]
[goog.array :as garray]))

(def ^:private ZERO (js/BigInt 0))
(def ^:private ONE (js/BigInt 1))
(def ^:private TEN (js/BigInt 10))
(def ^:private -ONE (- ONE))

(defn- bigint?
"Returns true if x is a BigInt. There is a similar function in [[emmy.util]],
but we prefer that this library avoid that dependency."
(= "bigint" (goog/typeOf x)))

(declare eq cmp ->real)

(deftype Fraction [^js/BigInt n ^js/BigInt d]

(valueOf [this] (->real this))
(toString [_] (str n "/" d))

(-hash [x]
(-hash (.-n x))
(-hash (.-d x))))

(-compare [this other]
(cond (instance? Fraction other)
(cmp this other)

(bigint? other)
(compare n (* d other))

(let [o-value (.valueOf other)]
(garray/defaultCompare this o-value))))


(def ^:private F_ONE (Fraction. ONE ONE))

(defn division-by-zero
"Throws JS exception used to signal an attempt to construct a fraction
with zero denominator."
(throw (js/Error "Fraction with zero denominator")))

(defn numerator [^Fraction x]
(.-n x))

(defn denominator [^Fraction x]
(.-d x))

(defn zero?
"Returns true iff `x` is a zero fraction."
[^Fraction x]
(let [a (.-n x)]
(== ZERO a)))

(defn one?
"Returns true iff `x` is a unit fraction."
[^Fraction x]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)]
(== a b)))

(defn eq [^Fraction x ^Fraction y]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
c (.-n y)
d (.-d y)]
(and (== a c) (== b d))))

(defn bigint-gcd
"GCD assuming a and b are BigInts > 0"
[^js/BigInt a ^js/BigInt b]
(loop [a a
b b]
(if (== b ZERO) a
(recur b (js-mod a b)))))

(defn- bigint-abs [a]
(if (< a 0) (* -ONE a) a))

(defn integer->
"Create a fraction with unit denominator."
(->Fraction (js/BigInt n) ONE))

(defn ->real
"Coerce a fraction to real by performing the division
in the floating point domain"
[^Fraction q]
(/ (js/Number (.-n q)) (js/Number (.-d q))))

(defn ->normal-form
"We assume we are given two BigInts, with b > 0. The GCD is divided out, and the
sign is carried in the numerator."
[^js/BigInt a ^js/BigInt b]
(when (== ZERO b)
(let [an (< a 0)
a (bigint-abs a)
bn (< b 0)
b (bigint-abs b)
g (bigint-gcd a b)
neg (not= an bn)
abs_c (/ a g)
c (if neg (* -ONE abs_c) abs_c)
d (/ b g)]
(->Fraction c d)))

(defn make
"Produces a fraction in canonical form. Note that the canonical form of an integer is
an integer, so if `(one? b)` you just get a."
[a b]
(let [a (js/BigInt a)
b (js/BigInt b)]
(when (== 0 b)
(->normal-form a b)))

(defn- js-expt
"Use the `js*` escape clause to get access to the JavaScript `**` operator,
which can exponentiate two BigInts exactly."
[a b]
(js* "(~{} ** ~{})" a b))

(def ^:private double-re #"(-?\d+)(\.(\d+))?([Ee]([+-]\d+))?")

(defn real->
"Clojure converts the real to BigDecimal and rationalizes from that.
The JVM documentation explains that the BigDecimal value will correspond
to what would be printed for the double value. We attempt to do the
same thing here by converting to a string and converting from there."
(let [s (.toString x)]
(if-let [[_ int _ frac _ exp] (re-matches double-re s)]
(let [scale (- (js/parseInt (or exp "0"))
(count (or frac "")))
scale-neg (< scale 0)
mantissa (js/BigInt (str int frac))
exponent (js/BigInt (js-expt TEN (js/BigInt (Math/abs scale))))]
(if scale-neg
(->normal-form mantissa exponent)
(Fraction. (* mantissa exponent) ONE)))
(throw (js/Error (str "Cannot convert " x " to ratio."))))))

(defn abs
"Absolute value of the fraction `x`."
[^Fraction x]
(let [n (.-n x)
d (.-d x)]
(if (< n 0) (->Fraction (* -ONE n) d) x)))

(defn neg
"Negation of the fraction `x`."
[^Fraction x]
(let [n (.-n x)
d (.-d x)]
(->Fraction (* -ONE n) d)))

(defn neg?
"True if $x<0$."
[^Fraction x]
(< (.-n x) 0))

(defn add
"Returns the sum of `x` and `y`."
[^Fraction x ^Fraction y]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
c (.-n y)
d (.-d y)]
(->normal-form (+ (* a d) (* b c)) (* b d))))

(defn sub
"Returns the difference of `x` and `y`."
[^Fraction x ^Fraction y]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
c (.-n y)
d (.-d y)]
(->normal-form (core/- (core/* a d) (core/* b c)) (core/* b d))))

(defn mul
"Returns the product of `x` and `y`."
[^Fraction x ^Fraction y]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
c (.-n y)
d (.-d y)]
(->normal-form (core/* a c) (core/* b d))))

(defn div
"Returns the quotient of `x` and `y`."
[^Fraction x ^Fraction y]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
c (.-n y)
d (.-d y)]
(->normal-form (core/* a d) (core/* b c))))

(defn invert
"Returns the reciprocal of `x`, but throws if $x=0$."
[^Fraction x]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
neg (< a 0)]
(when (== ZERO a)
(if neg
(->Fraction (* -ONE b) (* -ONE a))
(->Fraction b a))))

(defn cmp
"Compares the fractions `x` and `y`, returning -1, 0, or 1."
[^Fraction x ^Fraction y]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
c (.-n y)
d (.-d y)
s (- (* a d) (* b c))]
(cond (< s 0) -1
(> s 0) 1
:else 0)))

(defn integer-power
"Raises the fraction `x` to the integer power `n`."
[^Fraction x n]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
N (js/BigInt n)]
(= n ZERO) F_ONE
(= n ONE) x
(> N ZERO) (->normal-form (js-expt a N) (js-expt b N))
:else (->normal-form (js-expt b (- N)) (js-expt a (- N))))))

(defn promote
"If the fraction has a unit denominator, return the numerator, else the fraction."
[^Fraction x]
(if (== ONE (.-d x)) (.-n x) x))

(defn ceil
"Ceiling. Result is a BigInt."
[^Fraction x]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)]
(+ (/ a b) (if (or (< a 0)
(== (js-mod a b) ZERO))

(defn floor
"Floor. Result is a BigInt."
[^Fraction x]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)]
(- (/ a b) (if (or (> a 0)
(== (js-mod a b) ZERO))

(defn quotient
"Fractions form a field, so somewhat dubiously the function returns
the largest integer N for which $Ny\\le x$."
[x y]
(let [z (div x y)]
(if (neg? z)
(ceil z)
(floor z))))

(defn remainder
"If $q$ is `(quotient x y)`, returns $x-qy$."
[x y]
(sub x (mul (Fraction. (quotient x y) ONE) y)))

(defn gcd
[^Fraction x ^Fraction y]
(let [a (.-n x)
b (.-d x)
c (.-n y)
d (.-d y)]
(abs (->normal-form (* (bigint-gcd a c) (bigint-gcd b d)) (* b d)))))
26 changes: 15 additions & 11 deletions src/emmy/complex/impl.cljc
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[emmy.util :as u]
[emmy.value :as v]))

(declare equal?)
(declare equal? ->string)

(deftype Complex [re im]
Expand All @@ -32,23 +32,27 @@
(numerical? [_] true)

#?@(:clj [Object
(equals [a b] (equal? a b))]
:cljs [IEquiv
(equals [a b] (equal? a b))
(toString [a] (->string a))]

:cljs [Object
(toString [a] (->string a))

(-equiv [a b] (equal? a b))

[z writer _]
"#emmy/complex "
(str [(.-re z) (.-im z)])))]))
(write-all writer (->string z)))]))

(defmethod print-method Complex [^Complex v ^ w]
(.write w (str "#emmy/complex "
[(.-re v)
(.-im v)]))))
(defmethod print-method Complex [^Complex z ^ w]
(.write w (->string z))))

(defn- ->string
[^Complex c]
(str "#emmy/complex " [(.-re c) (.-im c)]))

(def ZERO (Complex. 0 0))
(def ONE (Complex. 1 0))
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