Flatten objects and arrays into non-nested objects and arrays. A flattened object consists of key paths pointing to primitive values. Paths are lodash-compatible so they can be used with _.set() and _.get().
Unflatten flattened objects and make them regular, nested JS objects again.
npm i flatulence
To merely flatten an object you simply need to do this:
const flatulence = require('flatulence')
// Create a flat object
const flattened = flatulence.flatten({
a: 1,
b: {
c: 1,
d: [1,2,3]
// {
// a: 1,
// 'b.c': 1,
// 'b.d[0]': 1,
// 'b.d[1]': 2,
// 'b.d[2]': 3
// }
Optionally you can decide to keep empty arrays and objects. Per default empty arrays or objects will not appear in the flattened output. You can change that:
const flattened = fl.flatten.keepEmpty({
"name": "Mega Group 2",
"loginId": "admin_mega_merchant_2",
"description": "again, some description here",
"merchantUsers": [],
"map": {}
// {
// name: 'Mega Group 2',
// loginId: 'admin_mega_merchant_2',
// description: 'again, some description here',
// merchantUsers: [],
// map: {}
// }
Create a flat object and provide a prefix to each key
var flattened2 = flatulence.flatten(
{ a: 1, b: { c: 1, d: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } },
// 'my.prefix.key.a': 1,
// 'my.prefix.key.b.c': 1,
// 'my.prefix.key.b.d[0]': 1,
// 'my.prefix.key.b.d[1]': 2,
// 'my.prefix.key.b.d[2]': 3
In order to transform a flat object to a regular, nested JS object again you can do the following:
const regular = flatulence.unflatten(flattened)
// { a: 1, b: { c: 1, d: [ 1, 2, 3 ] } }
Only unflatten a sub object
const b = flatulence.unflatten(flattened, 'b')
// { c: 1, d: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
Sub objects can even be arrays
const array = flatulence.unflatten(flattened, 'b.d')
// [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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