The purpose of this app is to show the integration with MercadoPago.
There are 2 kinds of integration Intent and Deep Linking.
For the Intent integration you have to create a implicit intent and start it with the method [startActivityForResult](', int)') as follows:
Intent i = new Intent();
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
// AppId
bundle.putString(BundleCodes.APP_ID, appId);
// Secret
bundle.putString(BundleCodes.APP_SECRET, appSecret);
// App Fee
bundle.putDouble(BundleCodes.APP_FEE, appFee);
// Amount of transaction
bundle.putDouble(BundleCodes.AMOUNT, Double.valueOf(amount.getText().toString()));
// Description of transaction
bundle.putString(BundleCodes.DESCRIPTION, reference.getText().toString());
if (spinner.getSelectedItemPosition() == 0) {
cc_selected = "credit_card";
} else {
cc_selected = "debit_card";
// Payment type of transaction ( credit_card | debit_card )
bundle.putString(BundleCodes.CARD_TYPE, cc_selected);
// # of installments
bundle.putInt(BundleCodes.INSTALLMENTS, Integer.valueOf(installments.getText().toString()));
// Kiosk Mode
bundle.putBoolean(BundleCodes.IS_KIOSK, true);
// Before we can start the intent, we should check if this phone handle the intent?
if (isAvailable(i)) {
// start activity for result
startActivityForResult(i, PAYMENT_REQUEST);
} else {
// send to google play.
try {
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + getPackageName())));
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("" + getPackageName())));
And them when the payment is done, point will notify a intent as follows:
in the calling activity:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (requestCode == PAYMENT_REQUEST && data != null) {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, Resultado.class);
the result activity that shows the results:
public class Resultado extends AppCompatActivity {
TextView installments;
TextView amount;
TextView ccType;
TextView paymentId;
ImageView image;
View layoutView;
// it could be
public final static String RESULT_PAYMENT_ID = "paymentId";
public final static String RESULT_STATUS_OK = "OK";
public final static String RESULT_STATUS_FAILED = "FAILED";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
image = (ImageView) findViewById(;
layoutView = findViewById(;
paymentId = (TextView) findViewById(;
installments = (TextView) findViewById(;
amount = (TextView) findViewById(;
ccType = (TextView) findViewById(;
Intent launcherIntent = getIntent();
Bundle data = launcherIntent.getExtras();
if (data != null) {
String result = data.getString(BundleCodes.RESULT_STATUS);
Uri uri = launcherIntent.getData();
if (uri != null) {
String result = uri.getQueryParameter(BundleCodes.RESULT_STATUS);
private void setStatus(String status) {
if (RESULT_STATUS_OK.equals(status)) {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) {
} else {
// Show the payment id
if (RESULT_STATUS_FAILED.equals(status)) {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) {
} else {
// Hide the payment id
With URL you call mercadopago by Deep Linking with the following URL :
Variable | Required? | Description |
amount | yes | The amount to be charged |
description | yes | The description of the charge. |
card_type | no | The card type to use, only credit_card or debit_card are valid values |
client_id | no | Specify your MercadoPago's Application id. Can be null |
client_secret | no 1. | The client secret of the app. |
application_fee | no 2. | The fee charged by the app. |
success_url | no | The url to call when the payment has been done successfully, if none is provided we show the default point screen. |
fail_url | no | The url to call when the payment has not been done successfully, if none is provided we show the default point screen. |
collector_id | no | Specifies the collector id to be used. If sent it can't be null |
- Its required if you provide a client_id
- If you provide application_fee , you must provide client_id & client_secret
These are the results you can get from Point appplication, ther are the same in both cases.
Variable / Query | Description | Notes |
amount | The amount charged | |
result_status | The payment's status | Values "OK" or "FAILED" |
payment_id | The payment's id | only in sucessfull payments |
card_type | the card type | Values "credit_card" or "debit_card" |
installments | the installments | |
error | error reason | Only in "FAILED" transactions |
error_detail | error details | Only in "FAILED" transactions |
Error result | Description |
USER_ABORTED | When the user goes back at the first payment screen |
NO_BT | Device has not bluethooth (only android) |
EXPIRED_CARD | Expired card entered/swiped. |
TRY_AGAIN | In some payment rejected cases |
WRONG_MCC | Invalid Merchant Category Code selected |
OWNERSHIP_ERROR | Point device belongs to another account |
LOW_BATTERY | Point device with critically low battery |
UNRECOGNIZED_DEVICE | Can't recognize the point (bluethooth) device |
VISA_BLACKLISTED | Visa blacklisted entered/swiped card |
USE_OTHER_CARD | Payment rejected, use other card requested |
INVALID_DATA_PROVIDED | Invalid card type selected (credit/debit) |
USER_CANCELLED_ERROR | User cancelled payment (on the point device) |
READER_DISABLED | Point device blocked |
CANCELLED_PAYMENT_ATTEMPT | Intent integration: cancelled attempt (only android) |
PAYMENT_REJECTED | Payment rejected |
INVALID_FINANCING_COST | Invalid installments selected |
Do not clone or push to master branch.
Create branch or fork from develop, then push or create pull requests (if you don't have access) to that branch.
mpmobile-android_seller uses this branching model:
In case you need to contact us, just send an email to [email protected]
and someone will answer you as soon as possible.