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Matlab programs running the growth-advection method for zooplankton hotspots.


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Toolbox GrowthAdvection


This toolbox contains the Matlab programs necessary to run the growth-advection method to predict krill hotspots from nitrate supply in the California upwelling system (Messié et al. 2022, results available at
This work was primarily funded by NASA (80NSSC17K0574) with additional support from Horizon 2020 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement SAPPHIRE No. 746530) and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Trajectories are computed using a custom 2D version of the Lagrangian computational tool Ariane (see for the official 3D version and general information on Ariane).
The programs are written for Matlab running on Linux (because of Ariane).

Note - The same programs can be used to reproduce the growth-advection application to non-diazotroph / diazotroph succession and the delayed island mass effect described in Messié et al. (2020). If this application is of interest, please contact me and I will add the corresponding functions.


1. Install Ariane

The toolbox uses a custom version of Ariane specifically designed for surface (2D) trajectories, used in previous studies (see references below).
This version is NOT the 3D version available on the Ariane website; the custom 2D version is available upon request to Nicolas Grima or Bruno Blanke (contact information at

Install packages gfortran, libnetcdf-dev and libnetcdff-dev.
Check that nc-config --has-fortran returns yes.

In the Ariane directory obtained by unpacking the 2D Ariane installation file, run:
(the directory location can be updated)

./configure --prefix=/home/$USER/Ariane/ARIANE
make check
make install

Create a symbolic link to run Ariane anywhere:

sudo ln -s /home/$USER/Ariane/ARIANE/bin/ariane2D /usr/bin/ariane

2. Download the histcn function from Matlab Exchange
Add to the Matlab path (e.g., in utils/)

Get started

For examples on how to set up and run the toolbox, see script:


Description of main functions:
ga_full_GArun: runs the entire GA method, by computing daily Lagrangian trajectories, running the plankton model alongside them, and concatenating the result into maps.
ga_concatenation (called by ga_full_GArun): concatenates the Lagrangian runs computed by ga_growthadvection.
ga_growthadvection (called by ga_full_GArun): runs a set of Lagrangian trajectories + plankton model for one day.
ga_advection_ariane (called by ga_growthadvection): computes current trajectories.
ga_model_2P2Z_fromNsupply (called by ga_growthadvection): runs the plankton model.
Functions in utils/ are called by the main functions; there shouldn't be a need to call them independently.

Note - 2D outputs are available in the outputs/ folder; Lagrangian outputs are not uploaded (1.7GB) but available upon request.

Description of data inputs available here for demonstration purposes

Near-surface currents for the California Current during March 1st - August 31st, 2008 (in Ariane_workplace/currents_data/):
GlobCurrent total 15m currents downloaded from Copernicus, dataset ID MULTIOBS_GLO_PHY_REP_015_004

Nitrate supply for the California Current at monthly 3km resolution in 2008 (in inputs/):
Computed following Messié and Chavez (2015, see also, then converted into a volumetric flux following Messié and Chavez (2017), and regridded on a 3km latitude grid.
Instead of QuikSCAT, winds were obtained from CCMP (



Please refer this paper when using the toolbox:

Messié, M., D. A. Sancho-Gallegos, J. Fiechter, J. A. Santora, and F. P. Chavez (2022). Satellite-based Lagrangian model reveals how upwelling and oceanic circulation shape krill hotspots in the California Current System. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:835813,

Other growth-advection applications

Messié, M., and F. P. Chavez (2017). Nutrient supply, surface currents, and plankton dynamics predict zooplankton hotspots in coastal upwelling systems. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(17), 8979-8986,

Messié, M., Petrenko, A., Doglioli, A. M., Aldebert, C., Martinez, E., Koenig, G., Bonnet, S., and Moutin, T. (2020). The delayed island mass effect: How islands can remotely trigger blooms in the oligotrophic ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(2), e2019GL085282,

Nitrate supply

Messié, M., and F. P. Chavez (2015). Seasonal regulation of primary production in eastern boundary upwelling systems. Progress in Oceanography, 134, 1-18,



Please also refer to Ariane if using it to compute current trajectories:

Blanke, B., and Raynaud, S. (1997). Kinematics of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent: An Eulerian and Lagrangian approach from GCM results. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27(6), 1038-1053.


[email protected]

Do not hesitate to contact me if you cannot run the code in start_GA_toolbox or if you notice bugs!