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Visualizing Metamorph Definitions

Christoph Böhme edited this page Mar 3, 2014 · 2 revisions

Please note: The information on this page is not up-to-date.

The MorphVis class has been moved to the metafacture-runner package. This package needs to be updated to reflect this.

The processing model behind Metamorph is that of a data flow. Hence it is straight forward to visualize Metamorph as a directed network, representing the respective flow. Here is a modest example:

Data Flow

Blue ellipses represent data sources while green circles represent data output. In our example we have a process with two combination stages and several functions applied to intermediate data. Stages in which data is collected are marked with a gray title bar showing the name of the operation. Functions are represented by white boxes. Both contain all parameters as name-value-lists. If lookup operations are included, the respective maps are depicted as gray tables. Finally, recursion is symbolized by yellow ellipses.

A visualization is generated by executing the class with a Metamorph definition as argument. The output is a graph description in the dot language (see To generate a graphical representation any software compatible with the dot language can be used. The most obvious choice is Graphviz (

Here is an example for a Bash script using the Graphviz dot layouter:

java $FILE | dot -T$FORMAT > $FILE.$FORMAT

Make sure to include the Graphviz binaries in your $PATH variable. Related Bash scripts can also be found in the bin/ folder.