GUI and CLI tool for comparing lists.
Initially dedicated for comparing lists of terms, this tool can be use for any type of lists.
This software can be extended with your own functions that takes two lists in parameters. Just copy the in the plugins folder, and change the values (see in the Plugins section later for details).
- Python 3+
- csv (CSV Parser)
- Tkinter (GUI) -- if using the GUI
- [Pandas (CSV Parser)] -- Very Optional
Just call the graphical user interface by launching :
If you wish to automatize some comparisons, or make batchs, you can use the CLI.
This command will show you the help. If an error occurs, make sure to remove the plugins that would create a bug (from the plugins folder). In order to use the CLI, you must give the two input CSV and some options, the action to do, and the separator of output you wish (eventually the file where to write, but as it's in a terminal, you can use the redirection tools for this).
Each CSV name is followed by the separator it uses and the column with the data to compare. For example, for a first CSV named file1.csv that uses "," as a separator and which data are in the 1st column , and a second CSV named file2.csv that uses ";" as a separator and which data are in the 3rd column
sh "file1.csv" "," 0 "file2.csv" ";" 2 "UNION" ":"
This line will execute the UNION operation on them and separate the output columns with ":".
The list of available actions is shown when you give no arguments to the CLI. Just use the name in upper case at the left (like the "UNION", "INTERSECTION", etc...)
In order to add your own operator for comparison, you can add some plugins. To do so, just copy the in the plugins folder, and change the values.
classname is the name of your class. You must keep the inheritance from the PluginLogic in order for it to be callable later.
name_str is the action for calling this function (32 chars max)
help_str is the description appearing in the usage (256 chars max)
button_str is the text appearing on the button in the GUI (32 chars max)
Logic is the method/function that will be called. Do not change its prototype. Just change the code, and keep in mind it must returns a list of chars. (You can return an answer like "True" or "False" alone in the list... but it must be a list)
Do not change anything else, and do not change the name of any attribute or method
- BOISSIER Fabrice (Project Leader & Developper) [2023-...]
- LAUMONIER Quentin (Developper - Draft Version) [2023]