During the first week of learning webscraping with BeautifulSoup and Selenium, I thought of a complete project to work on to sharpen my skills. As luck could have it, I stumbled upon a website "hotels.ng", After navigating the website, I thought to scrape the list of interesting places in Nigeria according to the website, and this link "https://hotels.ng/places/nigeria-1" was used to achieve that . Hotels.ng was founded in the year 2012, so the data scraped from this sight is quite old, Though, the founders are working on a recent project whose target is on Africa as a whole, so once they are done, I will dive righ in and find what needs to be found. On this note, this project was taken personally for practice purposes. Data Analytical processes such as EDA, data cleaning and visualization was done on the extracted data. It is so amazing what one can find in every chunk of raw data.
There are two .ipynb files in this project.
The first titled "places_in_nigeria(scrapedfile).ipynb" contains the scraped script for which all the data was scraped from the website. the extracted data was saved in a csv format titled "sights in Nigeria.csv". This file is in an unclean formed, and analyticals processes cannot be done on them.
The second being "places_in_nigeria_analysis.ipynb" contains the analytical scripts that were carried on the extracted data from the aforementioned file. Basic EDA and visualizations were done on the datafile. the cleaned data was stored as "places_in_nigeria_cleaned.csv"... A full visualization and dashboard of the extracted data can be seen on my tableau dashboard with this link https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ekpo.mfon.nsikak/viz/InterestingsitesinNigeria