This package gives you access to an offline (sucked up from Geowkt database. It provides a simple
interface geowkt:wkt-from-code
that returns a a-list style entry
for the given EPSG code. Example:
(geowkt:wkt-from-code 2154)
((:PROJCS "RGF93 / Lambert-93"
(:DATUM "Reseau_Geodesique_Francais_1993"
(:SPHEROID "GRS 1980" 6378137 298.257222101 (:AUTHORITY "EPSG" "7019"))
(:TOWGS84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) (:AUTHORITY "EPSG" "6171"))
(:PRIMEM "Greenwich" 0 (:AUTHORITY "EPSG" "8901"))
(:UNIT "degree" 0.01745329251994328 (:AUTHORITY "EPSG" "9122"))
(:AUTHORITY "EPSG" "4171"))
(:UNIT "metre" 1 (:AUTHORITY "EPSG" "9001"))
(:PROJECTION "Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP")
(:PARAMETER "standard_parallel_1" 49) (:PARAMETER "standard_parallel_2" 44)
(:PARAMETER "latitude_of_origin" 46.5) (:PARAMETER "central_meridian" 3)
(:PARAMETER "false_easting" 700000) (:PARAMETER "false_northing" 6600000)
(:AUTHORITY "EPSG" "2154") (:AXIS "X" :EAST) (:AXIS "Y" :NORTH)))