This Python script is written for Project: Explore US Bikeshare Data of Udacity's Programming for Data Science Nanodegree and is used to explore data related to bike share systems for Chicago, New York City, and Washington.
You can run the script using a Python integrated development environment (IDE) such as Spyder. To install Spyder, you will need to download the Anaconda installer. This script is written in Python 3, so you will need the Python 3.x version of the installer. After downloading and installing Anaconda, you will find the Spyder IDE by opening Anaconda Navigator.
The data is provided by Motivate, which is a bike share system provider for many cities in the United States. The data files for all three cities contain the same six columns:
- Start Time
- End Time
- Trip Duration (in seconds)
- Start Station
- End Station
- User Type (Subscriber or Customer)
The Chicago, Washington and New York City files also contain the following two columns:
- Gender
- Birth Year
The script answers the following questions about the bike share data:
- What is the most popular month for start time?
- What is the most popular day of week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) for start time?
- What is the most popular hour of day for start time?
- What is the total trip duration and average trip duration?
- What is the most popular start station and most popular end station?
- What is the most popular trip?
- What are the counts of each user type?
- What are the counts of gender?
- What are the earliest , most recent , and most popular birth years?
- Prepared by Mariam Elmasry
- Title: Session Lead
- Course Name: Udacity Python Programming Nanodegree
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