Verification & Validation (V&V) suite for the OpenSHMEM v1.5 specification
- Implementation of the OpenSHMEM v1.5
- CMake 3.10 or greater
There are a few limitations to SHMEMVV that are currently being addressed:
ONLY supports the implementations that adhere to the 1.5 specification, if you try to run this on an older OpenSHMEM implementation, you WILL get compiler errors.
No debug output or logging.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ export CC=`which oshcc` ; export CXX=`which oshc++`
$ cmake ../
By default, SHMEMVV will run all the tests, but if you want to only run a specific set or sets of tests, you can use one of these runtime flags. For example, this command will run the tests for the communication/context management routines.
oshrun -np 2 shmemvv --test_comms
Since all the tests need the items within the setup routines, those will be run no matter, regardless of which tests you select.
Usage: shmemvv [options]
--test_setup Run setup tests
--test_threads Run thread support tests
--test_mem Run memory management tests
--test_teams Run team management tests
--test_ctx Run communication management tests
--test_remote Run remote memory access tests
--test_atomics Run atomic memory operations tests
--test_signaling Run signaling operations tests
--test_collectives Run collective operations tests
--test_pt2pt_synch Run point-to-point synchronization tests
--test_mem_ordering Run memory ordering tests
--test_locking Run distributed locking tests
--test_all (default) Run all tests
--help Display help message
Will ONLY test the following routines:
- shmem_init()
- shmem_my_pe()
- shmem_n_pes()
- shmem_pe_accessible()
- shmem_barrier_all()
- shmem_barrier()
- shmem_info_get_version()
- shmem_info_get_name()
- shmem_finalize()
- shmem_global_exit()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_init_thread()
- shmem_query_thread()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_addr_accessible()
- shmem_ptr()
- shmem_malloc()
- shmem_free()
- shmem_realloc()
- shmem_align()
- shmem_malloc_with_hints()
- shmem_calloc()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_team_my_pe()
- shmem_team_n_pes()
- shmem_team_get_config()
- shmem_team_translate_pe()
- shmem_team_split_strided()
- shmem_team_split_2d()
- shmem_team_destroy()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_ctx_create()
- shmem_team_create_ctx()
- shmem_ctx_destroy()
- shmem_ctx_get_team()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_put()
- shmem_p()
- shmem_iput()
- shmem_get()
- shmem_g()
- shmem_iget()
- shmem_put_nbi()
- shmem_get_nbi()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_atomic_fetch()
- shmem_atomic_set()
- shmem_atomic_compare_swap()
- shmem_atomic_swap
- shmem_atomic_fetch_inc()
- shmem_atomic_inc()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_add()
- shmem_atomic_add()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_and()
- shmem_atomic_and()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_or()
- shmem_atomic_or()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_xor()
- shmem_atomic_xor()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_nbi()
- shmem_atomic_compare_swap_nbi()
- shmem_atomic_swap_nbi()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_inc_nbi()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_add_nbi()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_and_nbi()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_or_nbi()
- shmem_atomic_fetch_xor_nbi()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_put_signal()
- shmem_put_signal_nbi()
- shmem_signal_fetch()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_sync()
- shmem_sync_all()
- shmem_alltoall()
- shmem_alltoalls()
- shmem_broadcast()
- shmem_collect()
- shmem_fcollect()
- shmem_max_reduce()
- shmem_min_reduce()
- shmem_sum_reduce()
- shmem_prod_reduce()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_wait_until()
- shmem_wait_until_all()
- shmem_wait_until_any()
- shmem_wait_until_some()
- shmem_wait_until_all_vector()
- shmem_wait_until_any_vector()
- shmem_wait_until_some_vector()
- shmem_test()
- shmem_test_all()
- shmem_test_any()
- shmem_test_some()
- shmem_test_all_vector()
- shmem_test_any_vector()
- shmem_test_some_vector()
- shmem_signal_wait_until()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_fence()
- shmem_quiet()
Will test the following routines:
- shmem_set_lock()
- shmem_clear_unlock()
Will run all the tests