A simple grammar practice website for international languages. Currently beta testing using French.
- Give the user full control: mix and match:
- types of verbs
- tenses, moods
- etc.
A native speaker uses many different grammar formations in their every-day speak, so it makes sense to practice using many formations at a time, as if speaking natively. Alternative grammar practice sites like Conjuguemos only allow the user to practice one formation at a time. Grammatica strives to give the user full control: to study one formation at a time, yet review and practice many grammar formations at a time.
Give the user more data/feedback to answer common questions like:
- What verbs do I need to work on more?
- Are there any subject/verb combinations I get wrong more often?
Integrate with other tools such as Quizlet
- allow users to import and practice with their Quizlet sets
See TODO file.
To contribute:
- fork the repository
- make some changes and commit them
- create a pull request, and I'll incorporate your changes. Thank you!
This is a Meteor project. Meteor is somewhat a replacement for jQuery, and provides nice features such as reactivity (instantaneous updates to HTML elements when some event occurs), in addition to providing free web-hosting and an easy framework for local testing (running a preview of the website in the browser).
If you are new to Meteor, you will need to download Meteor to do local testing. To download, run:
$ curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
There are comments in the client/client.js file to help those who are new to Meteor. Also, Meteor has good documentation, and there are a few books on Meteor as well.
To run a local version of the website in your browser (local testing), simply run:
$ meteor
in the main directory of the project (in this case, in /path/to/Grammatica