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Current state of the app:
- App is deployed on a Droplet at
- Things to fix: 
    - none

    - all the 5 letter words in the dictionary
stats.db - 
        users (id, username) 
        games(user_id, game_id, finished, guesses, won) 
    views: streaks, wins
users.db - 
    tables: users(guid, user_id, username)
        Answers(word_id, gameword)
        Games(game_id, word_id)
            games(guid, user_id, game_id, finished, guesses, won)
            streaks(user_id, streak, beginning, ending)
            wins(user_id, count(won))

Issues faced while developing app:
- Understanding which process has permission and how to grant permission or elevate privilege, reason: couldn't delete some files or directory
- Understanding that Jenkins doesn't have elevated privilege but the docker containers services do, and thus can create and manipulate files
- Manage the credentials and keep them updated
- Understanding where the project root is and where the current working directory is, also mapping between system and container

- Get a server with static IP and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- See Ubuntu server section for further instructions
- Setup non-root user for security:
- Setup basic firewall to limit access to server
    - This should be done after we've set up the backend so we can see how the firewall works
    - Networking>Firewall
    - Enable: SSH, HTTP, HTTPS

CICD with Jenkins to Ubuntu:Jammy server:
- Install Jenkins in Docker:
- Add credentials: with these credentialId's
    - .env: wordle-env-file
    - redis.conf: redis-conf-file
    - REDIS_AUTH_PASSWORD: redis-secret
    - server SSH key: AWS-EC2
    - Github fine-grained PAT: github-token (but not necessary)
- Debug: check docker logs of each container in addition to Jenkins Console Output
- Pull from git repo
    - git clone
    - cd wordle
    - git checkout docker
- Install Docker
    - or
- Install npm 
    - sudo apt install npm
- Copy .env, redis.conf, and crontab.txt (using FileZilla)
- Build and copy frontend code (maybe download npm and just build it on server)
    - place the wordle-frontend/dist/ folder in /wordle/wordle-frontend/ (including dist/)

Deployment details:
Deploy backend using Docker: 
- Docker Volume NOTE: using named volume in docker compose means that the volume will be managed by Docker (it won't be in the local ./var directory, but will create new .db files in the virtual ./var directory, the local ones, if they have .db files will not reflect what happens in the app when it is running)
- Most of the above steps are done automatically using docker compose, except for 3 things:
    - Copying the .env file (was .gitignored so git clone doesn't work)
    - Copying the redis.conf file (also .gitignored)
    - Setting up crontab for TopTen leaderboard 
        - During dev: run: python bin/ manually from one of the containers (usually Orchestrator)
- .env and redis.conf has passwords so they must be copied manually into root folder
- Setting up crontab to update Leaderboard (probably best done manualy since it's outside of docker)
    - NOTE: RUN AS ROOT to get permissions to the docker volumes
    - Must install pip in order to install redis: apt install python3-pip
    - Create a venv: python3 -m venv .venv
    - Activate the venv: source .venv/bin/activate
    - bin/ will query game1.db, game2.db, etc. to find the top 10 longest streaks and winners
        - Find where the .db files are: docker volume ls && docker volume inspect wordle_db
        - Make sure the path in matches the path in Mountpoint
    - install dependencies: python3 -m pip install -r cron-requirements.txt
    - create a file to store cron-fragments.txt (not necessary)
    - view running cron jobs: crontab -l (to list) -e (to edit)
    - put running cron jobs into crontab.txt
    - * * * * * /home/<USER>/wordle/.venv/bin/python /home/<USER>/wordle/bin/ >> /home/<USER>/wordle/cron.log 2>&1
    - Use the correct username for line above, also note if python's dependencies are installed in a virtual environment
    - run: sudo crontab crontab.txt (sudo to put crontab into root)
    - Rotate cron.log so it doesn't become too big:
- You can now access the server at http://<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT#> where <PORT#> can be any of the 9000, 9100, 9200, 9300, 9400
- However, the frontend is unlikely to work because its origin is a public IP address
    - We'll need to go to the front end Wordle component and note the APP_SERVER value (either 'local' or 'remote')
    - 'local' allows the front end to work locally during development, both React and the Docker backend must be on the same machine
    - 'remote' uses HTTPS, which means we must make the API public, meaning we'll need the following:
        - Create an A record that points to the server
        - Configure NGINX to proxy requests to to <SERVER_IP>:9400
        - Get the SSL certificate:
            - Link:
            - Link:
        - Finally, rebuild the front end and make sure APP_SERVER is on 'remote' with the correct API links, place in the path specified by the root line from NGINX config file
            - 'orc': ''
            - 'stats': ''

Deploy frontend (NGINX outside Docker): (follow this guide -
- Configure NGINX reverse proxy so front end can talk to the APIs
    - Copy the NGINX <website-name>.conf file to /etc/nginx/sites-available/
    - Create a symlink: ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
    - Restart NGINX to take effect: sudo systemctl restart nginx OR sudo nginx -s reload
- Not necessary but you can see how DNS works by adding an A record in Networking>Domains
    - have point to the server
    - configure NGINX to proxy requeststo to <SERVER_IP>:9000
    - The APIs are now available at, etc.
- Go to Let's Encrypt: to get TLS certificates
- The above steps also configured the location of the dist/ folder: /usr/share/nginx/html
- Build the app on local machine: npm run build
- SFTP to the server using FileZilla and upload the dist/ content to /var/www/html
    - NOTE: for NGINX, put the dist/ content in /usr/share/nginx/html
- The page should be viewable after a few seconds

Deploy frontend (NGINX in Docker):
- Build app on local machine: npm run build
- SFTP to server using FileZilla and upload the dist/ content to /wordle/wordle-frontend/dist 
- Start Docker compose

Ubuntu server (Digital Ocean Droplet):
- On local machine, create ssh key-pair, go to <user>/.ssh: ssh-keygen
- If you don't have access to server thru SSH, go to droplet's control panel and open Access>Droplet Console
- On server, find .ssh/ folder: ls -al
- Run: nano .ssh/authorized_keys
- Add the public key to the file
- Save and quit
- Make sure .ssh/ has 700 permissions and authorized_keys has 600 permissions
- Back to local machine, run: ssh -i <key file> <user>@<droplet IP>

FileZilla setup: 
- This will use the same SSH key that is used to SSH into server
- Edit>Settings...>SFTP: add SSH private key in 'Add key file'
- Save and quit
- File>Site Manager>New site:
    - Protocol: SFTP
    - Host: (IP or domain name) 
    - Logon Type: Interactive
    - User: root
- Connect

Manual installation:
Running on bare Linux:
How to start the application:
- Install all dependencies, some of the required modules are, but there could be others:
    - apt install python3-pip
    - venv: apt install python3.10-venv
- Create virtual environment and use it
    - python3 -m venv .venv
    - chmod u+rwx .venv/bin/activate
    - source .venv/bin/activate
- Install python dependencies
    - pip install Faker
    - python redis module: pip install redis
    - Redis server: sudo apt install redis-server
    - Redis-cli: apt install redis-tools
    - python httpx module: pip install httpx
    - uvicorn: pip install uvicorn
    - fastapi: pip install fastapi
    - pydantic_settings: pip install pydantic-settings
    - sqlite3: apt install sqlite3
    - (other modules)
- Download traefik to the application's root folder
    - LINK:
    - tar -xvzf traefik_v2.10.4_linux_amd64.tar.gz
- Install foreman
    - apt install ruby-rubygems
    - gem install foreman

- Once all dependencies are installed, initialize the databases
    - open Terminal in the application's root folder: bin/

- Start the application server:
    - in Terminal: 
        - foreman start -m 'stats=3,check=1,validate=1,play=1,orchestratorb=1,traefik=1' 

- Add a cronjob to update Redis every 10 minutes - needs patience because it quietly fails (doesn't print to the current terminal):
    - NOTE: Run crontab as root because of permissions to the docker volumes
    - run: crontab -e
    - Enter: '*/10 * * * *  /home/<USER>/wordle/.venv/bin/python3 /home/michael/wordle/bin/ >> /home/<USER>/wordle/cron.log 2>&1'
    - NOTE: in DO Ubuntu Droplet, the 'Home' directory is /root for the root user, 
        so the full file path for this is /root/wordle/bin/
    - NOTE: python's dependencies might be install within a virtual environment, be sure to include it in the path to call python3
    - Also: chmod 744 bin/ (has been added to Dockerfile for Orchestrator)
    - Save and quit editor

- Redis:
    - Security:
        - We must set password to use ACL because the port is open to WAN, anyone can access it
        - Also, protected mode protects from non-localhost users but we still have to set a password anyway or otherwise we'd lose access
        - See list of ACL users: ACL LIST
        - More commands:
        - But the way to go is by using redis.conf file, (or an external ACL file)
        - To use redis.conf in docker compose:
            - services > redis:
                - command: redis-server /etc/redis.conf
                - volumes:
                    - ./redis.conf:/etc/redis.conf
    - Data persistence: 
        - Data is wiped from memory between restarts, but redis periodically dumps data to a file, just give it a volume like:
            - ./var/redis:/data
        - But this way we can lose a couple minutes' worth of data in case of an outage. so use Append Only File in redis.conf:
            - appendonly yes

Project 4:

NOTE: the .sql files are not used but kept for learning purposes

Install Redis if you haven't done it, the Play service requires it

Initialize the databases: (adjust num of stats and users in for speed)
- run: bin/
- What previous line did:
    Initialize the Answers.db and WordList.db databases:
        - WordList.db contains the valid five-letter words
        - Answers.db contains the answers and their word_id

    Initialize stats.db database:
    - create a database with 1 million stats and 100k users
    - run: python3 bin/
    - NOTE: this will create a ./var/stats.db file which the program uses, 
        if you have a ./var/sqlite3-populated.db file, please change it to ./var/stats.db
        The program won't work without ./var/stats.db
    Shard the database into 1 users and 3 games shards with uuid as PRIMARY KEY:
    - run: python3 bin/

Install traefik in the root folder of project
Run the Procfile with services and start traefik reverse proxy/load balancing:
- run: foreman start -m 'stats=3,check=1,validate=1,play=1,traefik=1'

Add a cronjob to update Redis every 10 minutes:
- run: crontab -e
- Enter: '*/10 * * * *  /usr/bin/python3 /{path to project folder}/bin/ >> /{Path to project folder}/cron.log 2>&1'
- Save and quit editor

Project 3 team members:

NOTE: the .sql files are not used but kept for learning purposes

- run:  bin/

Initialize the Answers.db and WordList.db databases:
    - WordList.db contains the valid five-letter words
    - Answers.db contains the answers and their word_id

Install traefik in the root folder of project

Initialize stats.db database:
- create a database with 1 million stats and 100k users
- run: python3 bin/
- NOTE: this will create a ./var/stats.db file which the program uses, 
    if you have a ./var/sqlite3-populated.db file, please change it to ./var/stats.db
    The program won't work without ./var/stats.db
Shard the database into 1 users and 3 games shards with uuid as PRIMARY KEY:
- run: python3 bin/

Start traefik reverse proxy/load balancing:
- run: ./traefik --configFile=traefik.toml
Run the Procfile with 3 users stats service, 1 check and 1 validate service:
- run: foreman start -m 'stats=3,check=1,validate=1,play=1'

The services and their documentation are located at the following addresses:
- stats: localhost:9000/api/v1/
- check: localhost:9100/api/v1/
- validate: localhost:9200/api/v1/
- play: localhost:9300/api/v1/

Using the API
- The best way to see how the API works is with the automatic documentation provided by FastAPI
- Navigate to the microservice using the link provided by foreman in a browser
- add '/docs' after the link in browser 
- The available functions are listed along with the required parameters 
- You can enter some values to see what gets returned for each function

There are 2 microservices:
- Validate a word against a database of valid words
- Add a valid word to database
- Remove a word from database of valid words

- Check a word against the answer
- Change the answer of a game

Project 3:
New microservice added:
- Posts a win or loss for a particular game along with timestamp and number of guesses
- Retrieving the statistics for a user
- Retrieving top 10 users by number of wins
- Retrieving top 10 users by longest streak


Implementation of Wordle backend from scratch






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