Easy Satellite API in order to do some analytics or work with satellite data. Get beautiful images for a location and date.
"Please note: OrbitalViews and API were taken offline!"
Please clone or download the repository and use the following syntax: client.py [-h] host api_key lat lng
Example: python client.py https://api.orbitalviews.eu/ 321ce90e2a2ee2e7c9ef7ffb2 42 11
The client.py shows some API examples. Please register a field with a WKT polygon, startdate, enddate, maptype and fieldname (/api/v1/register_field/). The 'startdate' and 'enddate' should be in the following format: '2017-01-01'. A polygon can be generated with http://geojson.io/. Please mark an area of interest and save the polygon as 'WKT'. An example for a WKT string is shown in the file 'durnast.wkt'. It takes some minutes to process all requested data. Most of the API calls are based on registered fields and needs either a filename or fieldname. You can call the /api/v1/ls/{fieldname} function in order to list all available images. OrbitalViews has also a directory which lists all images and supports downloads('FieldBox').
The demo is based on Google EarthEngine and shows the most current Sentinel-2 image and corresponding indices. Search a location of interest and mark an area with "MyField". The processing of your data takes some seconds. The buttons activate a corresponding map view. Note: This is a Desktop WebApp which was not optimized for smartphones. The water need map incorporates weather information and visualizes water needs for yesterday.