Sprint 155
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
Fixed Issue 11104 : String localisation added (#11108 ) (2019-08-12)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
Removing Azure and AzureRM 2.1.0 from hosted agent (#10787 ) (2019-08-05)
Revert "Removing Azure and AzureRM 2.1.0 from hosted agent" (#11079 ) (2019-08-06)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
Fixing P0 bug: Azure App Service Deploy task 4.156.* fails for container web app deployment. (#11106 ) (2019-08-12)
Fixed Issue 11104 : String localisation added (#11108 ) (2019-08-12)
DockerCompose (V0)
Adding arguments input field for docker compose task (#10998 ) (2019-07-31)
Docker (V1)
Opt in to qualify source image name optionally (#11055 ) (#11057 ) (2019-08-02)
Docker (V2)
Bumping up DockerV2 patch version for fixing the addPipelineData mismatch (#11091 ) (2019-08-08)
Bumping up task version for DockerV2 for correct resources.rejson (#11094 ) (2019-08-08)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)
Add exponential retry (#11048 ) (2019-08-01)
Fix retry duration (#11077 ) (2019-08-06)
DownloadPackage (V0)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
DownloadPackage (V1)
Updated download task to support package names (#10984 ) (2019-07-31)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
FileTransform (V1)
Fixed Issue 11104 : String localisation added (#11108 ) (2019-08-12)
IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V0)
Fixed Issue 11104 : String localisation added (#11108 ) (2019-08-12)
KubernetesManifest (V0)
Kuberentes manifest task fixes (#11039 ) (2019-07-31)
MavenAuthenticate (V0)
maven auth task (#11043 ) (2019-08-02)
NuGetAuthenticate: Fix bug where wrong error message when specifying … (#11066 ) (2019-08-05)
Use password authentication for token based auth for external repositories (#11097 ) (2019-08-09)
Maven (V2)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
Maven (V3)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V1)
Fixed Issue 11104 : String localisation added (#11108 ) (2019-08-12)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
Npm (V1)
Ensuring every build is deterministic by adding npm ci as a standard (#10789 ) (2019-08-13)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
NuGetAuthenticate (V0)
NuGetAuthenticate task (#11024 ) (2019-08-01)
Pip and Twine Auth tasks V1 (#11026 ) (2019-08-02)
maven auth task (#11043 ) (2019-08-02)
NuGetAuthenticate: Fix bug where wrong error message when specifying … (#11066 ) (2019-08-05)
NuGetCommand (V2)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
NuGetPublisher (V0)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
NuGetToolInstaller (V0)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
NuGetToolInstaller (V1)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
NuGet (V0)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
PipAuthenticate (V0)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
PipAuthenticate (V1)
Pip and Twine Auth tasks V1 (#11026 ) (2019-08-02)
maven auth task (#11043 ) (2019-08-02)
NuGetAuthenticate: Fix bug where wrong error message when specifying … (#11066 ) (2019-08-05)
TwineAuthenticate (V0)
Export retryOnExceptionHelper, apply retry to universal download tool (#11025 ) (2019-07-31)
TwineAuthenticate (V1)
Pip and Twine Auth tasks V1 (#11026 ) (2019-08-02)
maven auth task (#11043 ) (2019-08-02)
NuGetAuthenticate: Fix bug where wrong error message when specifying … (#11066 ) (2019-08-05)
VsTest (V2)
Update make.json with the latest m156 master package (#11076 ) (2019-08-06)
To trigger another ci build (#11085 ) (2019-08-07)
You can’t perform that action at this time.