v2.0.0 Sen-Araknidoa
This release of the Armiarma Crawler means a huge upgrade from its predecessor version. It includes:
- Full PostgreSQL database interaction that tracks more raw data about peer's info (more detailed info about their ENRs, IPs, and Metadata)
- Extended Prometheus metrics to feed a new Grafana Dashboard
- Fixes broken RPC calls
- Integrated PubSub submodule to extend the GossipSub metrics
- Better connectivity that helps tracking better the size of the network
- Cleaner, more maintainable, and more expandable code :)
- Docker-compose to spawn: DB, Prometheus, Grafana, and the Crawler (default on Mainnet)
What's Changed
- Feature/postgres db by @cortze in #35
- Integrate PostgreSQL as main DB + Gnosis Chain Support by @cortze in #36
- Update config-file by @cortze in #37
- Feature/live local setup by @tdahar in #41
- Include new docker-compose setup by @cortze in #42
- Feat/track gossip arrival time by @cortze in #53
- Upgrade the SQL tables to refactor the code in a more optimized way by @cortze in #52
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0-stable