Python library for interacting with the API
This is being developed to make it easier for Python users to interact with the API. It is just a light wrapper around the official API.
All features should be supported with the exception of those that are related to lists. In any case, feel free to add features, I welcome pull requests.
Powered by Remote Crew
Python-snovio has been developed in Python 3.x. Some adjustments might be necessary to run in Python 2.x
Install the package using the following command.
$ pip install python-snovio
Start by importing the class from the package.
from snovio import SnovioAPI
The next step is to get the credentials from the API tab of your account at
SNOVIO_USER_ID = 'your-user-id'
SNOVIO_USER_SECRET = 'your-user-secret'
Finally, initialize the instance of SnovioAPI
with your credentials.
snovio = SnovioAPI(client_id=SNOVIO_USER_ID, client_secret=SNOVIO_USER_SECRET)
If you'd prefer to use your access_token instead, you can also initialize the instance using it directly.
snovio = SnovioAPI(access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN)
You can now start to make requests using your account. See below the requests you can make, along with their cost in Credits.
2 Credits: Domain Search v.2 √
snovio.domain_emails_with_info({ 'domain':'', 'type': 'all', 'limit': 100, 'lastId': 0 })
Free: Get domain emails count √
snovio.get_domain_emails_count({ 'domain': '' })
1 Credit: Get emails from names √
snovio.get_emails_from_names({ 'firstName': 'Joe', 'lastName': 'Thomas', 'domain': '' })
1 Credit: Add names to find emails √
snovio.add_names_to_find_emails({ 'firstName': 'Joe', 'lastName': 'Thomas', 'domain': '' })
1 Credit: Add URL to search for prospect √
snovio.add_url_for_search({ 'url': '' })
1 Credit: Get prospect with URL √
snovio.get_emails_from_url({ 'url': '' })
1 Credit: Get profile by email √
snovio.get_profile_by_email({ 'email': '[email protected]', })
FREE: Get emails verification status √
snovio.get_emails_verification_status({ 'emails': ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'] })
0.5 Credits: Add emails to verification: √
snovio.add_emails_to_verification({ 'emails': ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'] })
Free: Change recipient’s status √
snovio.change_recipient_status({ 'email': '[email protected]', 'campaign_id': 1234567, 'status': 'Active' })
Free: See list of completed prospects √
snovio.prospect_finished({ 'campaignId': 1234567 })
Free: See campaign replies √
snovio.get_emails_replies({ 'campaignId': 1234567 })
Free: Check link clicks √
snovio.get_emails_clicked({ 'campaignId': 1234567 })
Free: View sent emails √
snovio.emails_sent({ 'campaignId': 1234567 })
Free: View all campaigns √
Free: Add to Do-not-email List √
snovio.do_not_email_list({ 'items[]': ['[email protected]', ''] })
Free: Add prospect to list √
snovio.add_prospect_to_list({ 'email': '[email protected]', 'fullName': 'John Doe', 'firstName': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe', 'country': 'United States', 'locality': 'Woodbridge, New Jersey', 'socialLinks[linkedIn]': '', 'social[twitter]': '', 'customFields[phone number]': '+ 1 888 2073333', 'position': 'Vice President of Sales', 'companyName': 'GoldenRule', 'companySite': '', 'updateContact': 1, 'listId': '7508737' })
Free: Find prospect by ID √
snovio.get_prospect_by_id({ 'id': '66773b4a7e7b84180d2d8ed71a6a1fc657c22b7d38cc5684053faeb15ec8f392b874f87423' })
Free: Find prospect by Email √
snovio.get_prospects_by_email({ 'email': '[email protected]' })
Free: Find prospect’s custom fields √
Free: See user lists √
Free: View prospects in list √
snovio.prospect_list({ 'listId': '7508737', 'page': 1, 'perPage': 10 })
Free: Create new prospects list √
snovio.lists({ 'name': 'Test Lists', })
- Free: Check user balance √